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Regarding where the show may be headed with a possible Ana/Theo/Summer triangle, I could see Ana possibly ending up with Theo. I've seen some concerns of some fans various places that Ana may take Theo away from Summer. And there is concerned that Summer may end up alone for a while. I think that Ana might could end up with Theo. But if that happens, I think that Summer might be paired with a returning (and quite possibly recast) Chance Chancellor.


I'm looking forward to Ana interacting with Theo more and I've liked the way he has interacted with her so far. His interactions with her are bringing out a more mature/serious side of him. I am interested in seeing where this goes. At the very least she might could get a good friend out this, maybe even a boyfriend. 

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If you were writing it, what would you do? 


That's possible. Very possible. Though I'd much rather see Ana with the legacy, Chance, or Noah, than this random. But itd be right up the show's alley to pair her with Theo. Even more so than to pair her with marginal character Fen, who at least has a family we know and love. Either way, I stand by my position that any triangle will serve to endear Summer to the audience. 

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I believe this storyline with Ana/Theo/Summer could go in a variety of directions. And I actually think wherever it may go Ana may end up being okay. I could see her and Theo's relationship developing into something that ranges from a solid friendship (with maybe a little romance mixed in). To him becoming her man and them having a serious romantic relationship. Regardless of what happens I think all three of them might end up being okay and that none of them may suffer serious damage in this triangle. Ana's interaction with Theo could just be a way to loosen her up a little bit and maybe might pave the way for her getting a serious romance with someone else later. Or maybe she will actually end up with Theo and Summer will get paired with a returning Chance. 


I will take Ana interacting with Theo and whatever possibilities come from that than her being an awkward third wheel to Mariah/Tessa. IMO, Ana has actually started to regress as a character since she's been interacting with them. And as of late has been written and treated more like a teen, since she's been interacting with Mariah/Tessa. She's just been going along with whatever they want to do, to  Devon's disapproval and has been treated like a teenager by him. It's been unpleasant to watch and maybe her now interacting with Theo,  will at least reduce/stifle that regression/writing. 


Plus, I think that the show will start to flesh Theo out more and give him more of a backstory, which will help his character. Maybe he might even get a family member that will arrive on the canvas. I wouldn't be opposed to a younger brother of his in his late 20's coming on,  especially if Fen and Noah aren't coming back anytime soon. I think we need more young men in that mid 20s to early 30s range.  I think more may be revealed about him as he interacts with Ana.

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According to SID Eileen Davidson will be back as Ashley on July 18th.


Also according a spoiler from the Courier Journal for next week, Rey will end up sharing a family secret. I wonder what the secret he ends up sharing may be. I wonder if Celeste may not be his real mother or if it's some other type of secret? And I also wonder who he reveals the secret to, maybe Sharon?

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As far as I know he's not. Rey has always said he's wanted children, and he really wanted them with Mia. I don't think that he would give up a chance to openly be Lola's father, if he really were her father. Even if the circumstances surrounding that situation were messy. I do wonder if maybe Celeste is not his mom though. And that may be a way for the show to bypass Rey/Celeste playing mother/son when they don't look like they could believably pass for that type of relationship. 


Or maybe the secret could be something else about Celeste. Or even the Rosales father, that only Rey and Celeste know about.

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But seriously.  With Mama Celeste in GC, I wonder if the "dark family secret" will be that she, Rey or another Rosales killed the family patriarch.

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It sounds like Chance is in trouble. According to the soaps.com day ahead recap on tomorrow's show:


Rey will reveal that Chance was arrested for assault and that Adam bailed him out. They have been hanging out together in Vegas. It will also be revealed that Chance fell off the grid and has been in Vegas for a year. Nick will be bewildered by this news. Nick will visit Jill at the Chancellor Mansion and tell her that Chance may be the best chance of preventing Adam from stealing Christian. Nick will tell Jill what he found out about about Chance from Rey. Jill will be very surprised by this news and says that Chance would never hang out with Adam. She places a call to Chance demanding him to let her know that's he's alright. Jill will look at Katherine's portrait and tell it that they both love Chance and that Jill won't fail him.


Also, Rey and Celeste will share scenes together. Celeste will want the family to pull together for Arturo's baby.  Celeste will be snarky when she hears that Sharon quit her job for Rey. Celeste will tell Rey that his father has reached out to her and that he asks for money sometimes. She will say he wants to walk Lola down the aisle, but Rey will be against that. He will tell Celeste not to tell Lola this information. 


And Kyle and Lola will have the Abbott mansion to themselves. But Theo will show up with a bunch of people. Summer will also show up. Kyle will want to make them go away, but Lola will say she's okay with hanging out with them. Summer will suggest skinny dipping which will make the people at the party excited. They will end up swimming.  Lola will leave and tell Kyle to enjoy his friends. Theo will turn up the music and something in the Abbott mansion will get broken. Kyle will shove Theo and kick everyone out. Before they all leave Summer will tell him he's turning into his grandfather and only cares about Lola's needs. Later Kyle will worry to Lola that he's becoming a fuddy duddy. She will tell him that he's sexy and they will start to undress to make love. But Celeste will show up and Lola will make Kyle hide. Celeste will know that Kyle is there and they will say goodnight to each other and Lola will laugh. 


I'm glad the Chancellor Mansion set is back and I wonder what's going on with Chance. It's sounds like they are writing him darker and that he may be coming back soon. If he's recast, I hope it's a good recast. The show has done a nice job of casting/recasting the younger male characters on this show. 

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That's what it's seems like. When Kyle dug up Phillip Chancellor's grave to try and help Jack figure out who his father was, that was in early July of last year. I believe that the Chance/Phillip III Himalayas trip was mentioned/happened somewhere around that time. So we're looking at about a year, ago that happened. It sounded like Chance was in a good place back then. I wondered what happened to cause him to go dark and fall off the grid. And what Phillip III/Nina might know about it, if they know anything. It sounds like Jill doesn't know anything, about what's happened to him.

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