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Days: April 2019 Discussion Thread

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It's SO bad. I can't believe how badly they've screwed up Jack's return (I mean I can, but...). The whole political angle is terrible, Jack looks terrible, and I love Kassie but Eve is completely ruined. Jack's return started off kind of promising with him getting close to JJ and everything before this mayor crap started, but it's all gone completely off the rails. I can't take another ridiculous rally with 10 screaming morons in attendance. Make it stop.


When that random day player showed up and started talking about Jack and Eve's obvious love and then was tearing into Adrienne for being a traitor, then he happened to be a pastor, I was like WTF??? Sooo awful.


As of right now, Jack could get killed off for the 500th time and I wouldn't really care.

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Anytime it gains any it never keeps it. But the shows been lethargic as a whole for a long time now, imo. But yeah, nothing is must see. I feel no desire to watch at all. I wish I did :/


I'll tune in for Caroline's memorial. But Kim won't be there so it's already a meh from me. I do hope it's nice though and we get actual flashbacks. But I know the show has no budget and we've lost so many people over the years. Frankly Shawn and Belle and Carrie shouldn't be relegated to "visitor status"


Maybe when it's villains unleashed later this year ...

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I don't understand what is at stake in the Rex/Sarah/Eric triangle?  If someone tells Sarah the very obvious news that Eric is into her will the forces of the universe smite them dead?  What's next locust and frogs dropping from the sky?


Why are we to assume that Sarah is so devoid of free will that the mere suggestion that Eric likes her indicates that she will spend the rest of her life with him?  Don't women want to see stories where the heroine gets some choice in her love life?


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As bad as it’s been, th3 show hit a new low with the “Will has brain surgery” scenes. I didn’t know whether to laugh or scream.


Will’s seizure looked fake, as did the concern from the “brain surgeon” or anyone else. Then they wheeled Will out of the O.R. and it was impossible to tell he was even operated on.


Of course, he can go home tomorrow and resume all physical activities. AFTER BRAIN SURGERY.


And don’t even ASK if any of Will’s hair had to be cut.


This show sucks so bad.

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Ben saves Ciara AGAIN

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This sh-t is getting soooo old. We get it. Ben is a HERO. Ben is GOOD. How anyone can try to claim that this character isn't being propped is beyond me. Ben and Ciara are one of the worst couples in a while. Propped, forced garbage. A complete waste of these two actors and characters.

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