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The Media/Journalism Thread


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The media is absolutely desperate, carrying water and pushing multiple attacks on various fronts. 

"Liberal" MSNBC, featuring the shows of various warmongers, has this man on over and over to scream and scream, in-between reminding everyone that so many people talk to him and only he understands, go to his website and buy his book:

Naturally, the Never Trump brigade who were extremist Republicans before being kicked out of the party for their failures, like Bill Kristol and Michael Steele, eat this up.

And there's always more:

It's a sad day when Saagar, a Tucker Carlson puppet, has a better take than 98% of the press. 

I saw Dave Weigel's tweet about the RNC removing their press release on supporting withdrawl, and he mentioned that was a popular position until this weekend. I wondered what he meant until I saw this:

The media and the GOP will work nonstop until they manipulate the public into getting worked up about the pullout - real or performative outrage. It will become yet another 50/50 issue, and yet another issue that the media will claim the public supports them on. If nothing else I hope this is  a wakeup call for those in the party who did not realize just what an enemy of the people the media has become and how they will do anything they can to hand 2022 and 2024 to the GOP. No amount of vacuous Sunday morning show interviews will change that. They need to be frozen out.


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There is not going to be a 50/50 on Afghanistan. That's nonsense. Despite some of the problems with the withdrawal, no one who supported it is going to go back and say no because of some of the problems that surfaced with the how.  And with the news cycles who knows where we will be in 2 weeks much less a year.

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If it's made into a partisan issue, as it has already been, then it's more likely to be a 50/50 issue. Everything, even wearing a mask, goes that way. That push poll put out by Politico is being used to "prove" 45% of the public wants to stay. MSNBC had a "Democrat" on who spent ages before and after Biden's speech screaming about how we need to go back and take the bases. 

I'm not sure this would go any differently. The GOP and the media gain a lot from making this go their way and they are already devoting 24/7 resources to making that happen. 

Edited by DRW50
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Zaid Jilani is another of the "populist" left whose main job is "owning the libs" and sniffing around for his latest forever friend on the far right (he wrote and then deleted a gushing profile saying Josh Hawley was the new Teddy Roosevelt). 

I wonder whenever I see nonsense like this if he knows the people he loves will never support refugees who do not have white skin, and he is just lying for money reasons, or if he really is deluded enough to not get it. 

We are going to see never-ending posturing from the monsters on the right about how Biden abandoned refugees but refugees should not come here. At least the likes of Cortes and Stephen Miller are honest about why. Jilani will give them cover at every turn. 

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Carl Fox is already saying don't bring those refugees here.  You honestly think people are going to say hey lets bring those poor people here. I am confident this is never going to be a 50 50 issue. The polling Politico shows support dropped but thats now and the number on the opposite side didn't increase.


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