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It's a shame because she was a gorgeous woman she just lacked acting ability and spark (I don't consider
Vanessa or Ingo master thespians but they at least had signs of life back then)  Miranda was always going to low key fail because Brenda/Jax were so popular, but I feel like she had no POV.  I just remember a beach, poems, a horse with an Austrailin beach and overwrought dialogue  from her....Lilly Melgar's Lily sucked but at least I got her.  Miranda had nothing to work with.

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I'm surprised no one went the predictable route and turned Miranda into a total psycho once it was clear she wasn't working and that Jax would always choose Brenda over her.



Unfortunately, I can't see anyone's sigs on this board, and haven't since day one.

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I always thought Luke/Felicia had to be an idle subplot that grew out of hand due to alleged BTS tensions with the supercouple around that time. Among other supposed reasons, Geary started being eager to redefine Luke without Laura, and Francis wanted to be paired with A Martinez. I can't imagine Guza investing in Felicia for real; she was deeply damaged by that entire story for the better part of 20 years, and even got played as both the deadbeat mom and the obnoxious L&L spoiler in 2000 during the search for NuLucky.

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Oh, FFS.  Those actors and their blasted egos.  


GH had the same problem with Luke/Felicia that DAYS had with Shane/Kayla: you can't build a viable couple or supercouple on the proverbial ashes of two former couples.  If you want us to believe that Luke could live w/o Laura and Felicia w/o Frisco, then you have to give Luke and Felicia two new partners who have not been in popular pairings before.  Otherwise, the audience will resent it and they'll revolt.  (Again, look at what happened with Shane and Kayla.)


I guess I should be glad, however, a Roy/Laura pairing never came to fruition.  A Martinez and Genie Francis would have had absolutely no chemistry.  They'd have been better off pairing her with Ingo.

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I used to see some chemistry between Laura and Sonny, Mac, and oddly Tony.  None really with Roy, but at the time I felt he was really not doing his best work while on GH.  Waste of a good actor.


Genie has a great scene with Roy where Felicia is there and leaves, and Laura just unloads about her.


Once her pairing with Stefan was done, the show should have just started over for her.  New situations, new romantic pairing.  Lucky’s death really did a number on Laura.  The show let her character grieve like Laura would have, but it was all she did for almost a year.

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I think Genie gaining weight during one of her pregnancies completely did the character in. They didn’t see her as a person, as sexy, as interesting, she wasn’t worth the “effort” anymore so they draped her in tarps and aged her into this matronly role. It was really sick. This beautiful, still YOUNG woman was suddenly reading as very old. Whereas Geary was actually old and looked it and ran around town with the much younger Felicia having the adventures of a man half his age. Just another example of the mysogyny that is pervasive in daytime.

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It didn't help that they massively neutered Stefan and Laura. I hated him early on as a kid but looking back, when he first came on their scenes together were hot as hell. By the time they were truly paired it was sleepy picnics in the park with toddler Lulu and boring domesticity. That's not Stefan or Stephen Nichols.


I thought Genie and AM had some chemistry, but there was never enough material to be sure.

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I thought Laura and Stefan were hot.  It did not help that they dressed a 30 something Laura in what looked like table clothes but she still had a great presence.   Again I don't consider Genie a master actor but she had/has an it factor that Tony manage to lose along the way.

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