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It's impossible to search for the character of V. online. I don't even remember what she looked like and I certainly don't remember the actress's name.


I do recall thinking that she stayed on because someone like her, much like that one female cop that was on OLTL around the same time. I can't remember name either but she was very young with alabaster skin.

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That two Macs story was atrocious.


Miranda was Guza’s character, and from what I remember reading back then, Alexis ultimately got Miranda’s backstory.


That two month period before Guza’s official return was so crazy.  Luke delivers Alexis’ entire backstory in one episode without real buildup, the two Macs starts, and several other pieces are being put into place or ended so he can basically have a season premiere of just where he wants the stories to go.  He was clearly already working on the show before his credits start.  If I remember correctly, he was credited as a consultant on Port Charles before his credit started back at GH.


I liked V!

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I can't remember a lot about Lisa Vultaggio's Hannah but I remember her more clearly with AJ and Taggart.  She was always a no go with Sonny but to me this is why Carly is a lead now.  They had no women in their early 20's that were viable for awhile until KMc came back.  Carly was the defacto young lead.


My problem with V and Jax is that V looked to much like Miranda.  I actually thought they had some chemistry, but I didn't really buy into that much because it was clear they were going back to Jax and Brenda.  Alexis and Jax had major chemistry but I do sorta like their platonic relationship.


Mac's twin/doppelganger story still puzzles me too.  And Juan, oh Juan, the son of two of GH's worst characters ever.  Although he was adopted he is a great example of nature vs. nurture.  So boring...


Honestly you can tell Miranda was a Guza character.  She had some potential, but the actress had no chemistry with Ingo.  She had more with Maurice!  There was story there it was just clear it was a very lazy plot point to drive Brenda back to Sonny.   At that point, S/B/J was probably the most buzzed about story on GH.  You think they would have cast a wider net when looking for a Miranda, who was a super critical character or supposed to be...

Image result for lisa cerasoli pictures


V pic...what she looked like when she was on Gh



Miranda pic.  Seriously she looked so bored



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She realized Jax was not going to come back to her after she revealed Sonny and Brenda had sex in the cave to Jax and just moseyed off to Australia never to be spoken of again.  Like it was odd.  She revealed this big secret and Jax was just whatever about it and she just left...


Honestly they probably should have kept her after the fallout of Sonny and Brenda but I think she was just so universally hated.

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I thought V had potential, but the writers were writing her as being too strident and sarcastic instead of letting the character progress organically.


Charisa Chamorro.. wasted actress on OLTL... I though Sophia/Joey would have been more interesting than Joey/Kelly part 3000th.  I think her almost year long stint on Guiding Light as Tory was a better showcase for the actress.imho.

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You're not.  IIRC, Richard Culliton and Karen Harris were the ones to handle her introduction.  And because Culliton, IMO, was the wrong fit for GH, Miranda was doomed to fail with the audience.



She looked more excited doing that chocolates commercial a long time ago.

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