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Non-Hollywood Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment

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McLaughlin seemed utterly chauvinistic and was like a ringleader of misogynistic, arrogant and paternalistic tirades disguised as banter. He was often disparaging of the one woman on the panel and would lead a chorus of mockery of her. After a few episodes I picked up the pattern (in my defense, I was a kid) and stopped watching.

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Reading this article made my head hurt. Just when I thought that the U.S. was behind the curve, I am reminded of how regressive society is in Japan in terms of women’s rights. For a society that is seen as inherently rigid and fastidious to the set rules, one would expect that they would have already have a set policy regarding fraternization between students and their teachers. And for a nation that has seen its fair share of dangerous cults, one would think the law wouldn’t be so dismissive of the power of coercion as a means to compel someone to do something against their will.

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