Members JAS0N47 Posted January 18, 2018 Members Share Posted January 18, 2018 36 YEARS AGO TODAY...JOSEPH MASCOLO DEBUTS AS STEFANO DiMERA Please register in order to view this content Here's a look back at the first three scenes of Joseph Mascolo's debut as Stefano DiMera, in Episode # 4106, which aired January 18, 1982. In the first script, the character's name is spelled Stephano. In Athens, Greece, Tony introduces Stefano to the citizens of Salem... 36 YEARS AGO TODAY...EUGENE BRADFORD'S DEBUT... Here's a look back at the first two scenes of Eugene Bradford, who debuted 36 years ago today on January 18, 1982 (Episode # 4106). John de Lancie played the role from 1982-1986 and again from 1989-1990. ACT THREE... MARLENA'S OFFICE... (VALERIE AND MARLENA LISTENING TO TAPE INTERVIEWS WITH A FORMER PATIENT, EUGENE BRADFORD) MARLENA VO: Let's talk about your feelings where women are concerned. GENE VO: I don't want to. MARLENA VO: You've told me there are marital problems. GENE VO: I guess so. MARLENA VO: That's not something you guess about, Gene. If there are problems, let's talk about them. GENE VO: My wife doesn't want me. MARLENA VO: Has she said so? GENE VO: She turns away from me when we go to bed at night. She seems to fall asleep. But I know she's pretending. MARLENA VO: How can you tell? GENE VO: The way she breathes. MARLENA VO: I see. Why do you think she pretends to be sleeping? GENE VO: She doesn't want me to make love to her. MARLENA VO: How long has this been going on? GENE VO: For a couple of years. MARLENA VO: Have you tried to talk to her about it? GENE VO: No, not really? MARLENA VO: Why not? GENE VO: We can't talk about sex. We never have. For her, it's something that happens when the room is dark. MARLENA VO: I'm sorry Gene. That's a difficult situation for a man to have to live with. GENE VO: I hate her sometimes, you know. She makes it dirty. We never make love in the daylight. (HIS VOICE BREAKS. HE STARTS TO CRY ON THE TAPE, AND MARLENA SWITCHES IT OFF, DEEPLY MOVED) MARLENA: I'll never forget that session. He cried for about an hour. I held him in my arms, and he just cried without making any sound. VALERIE: And six months later he strangled his wife. MARLENA: Could he be the man, Valerie? VALERIE: I don't know. MARLENA: It's a terrible thing to accuse a man of murder without being certain...I can't let that happen. I can't let the police know anything about this until I'm certain he is the Salem Strangler. VALERIE: I don't know, Marlena. It would be very dangerous, to try to see the man alone. MARLENA: When we called the restaurant, they said he was home sick. I'm glad you got his address. VALERIE: You can't go there by yourself. Promise me you won't do that. ACT SEVEN...PARK BENCH NEAR FOUNTAIN THAT IS NOT WORKING... (MARLENA SITTING THERE, FREEZING. THE WIND HOWLING AS SHE PULLS HER COAT COLLAR UP AROUND HER NECK. SHE HEARS FOOTSTEPS, NERVOUSLY TURNS TO LOOK AS EUGENE BRADFORD APPROACHES. HE IS A TALL YOUNG MAN IN HIS EARLY THIRTIES. HE WEARS JEANS AND SNEAKERS, LOOKS LIKE OUR "SALEM STRANGLER." HE SITS DOWN ON THE BENCH BESIDE MARLENA WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING) MARLENA: Thanks for coming here to talk to me. BRADFORD: I didn't have anything else to do. MARLENA: You were right, you know. It is easier to talk out in the fresh air this way. BRADFORD: I had to get out of the apartment. MARLENA: Don't you like where you're living? BRADFORD: It's all I can afford. MARLENA: How do you like your job? BRADFORD: It's all right. Of course, everyone's suspicious of me. Once you've been in a mental hospital... MARLENA: We don't have to talk about that if you don't want to. BRADFORD: Why did you come to see me? MARLENA: I was thinking about you, wondering how you were. Figuring you might need a friend about now. BRADFORD: I guess...I do need a friend. wife was my friend. MARLENA: Yes, I know you loved her very much. BRADFORD: She's dead. Did you know that? MARLENA: Yes, I'd heard about that. BRADFORD: I...I didn't mean to do it. MARLENA: I'm sure you didn't. BRADFORD: I...I used to listen to your radio show, you know. MARLENA (HER FEAR GROWING): Did you? BRADFORD: Yeah. I tried to call you a couple of ask for help...before it was too late... (AND ON MARLENA'S FRIGHTENED FACE...WE FADE TO BLACK) 36 YEARS AGO TODAY...KAYLA BRADY'S DEBUT... Here's a look back at the first two scenes of Kayla Brady, who debuted 36 years ago today on January 18, 1982 (Episode # 4106). Catherine Mary Stewart played the role from 1982-1983. Mary Beth Evans debuted as Kayla in 1986. ACT TWO...NURSES' STATION, SEVENTH FLOOR (R.N. KAYLA BRADY AT DESK. VALERIE AND MARLENA GET OFF THE ELEVATOR AND APPROACH THE DESK WHERE KAYLA BRADY IS ON DUTY. NOTE: FOOTAGE FOR THE COUNT'S FILM MUST BE SHOT IN THIS EPISODE FOR OUR "FILM" ON KAYLA BRADY) KAYLA: Doctor Evans, Doctor Grant. I thought you two had checked out for the day. MARLENA: We did. But we're back to go over some old patient folders. We'll be in my office and we don't want to be disturbed. VALERIE: Unless it's an emergency. KAYLA; Okay. I'll take messages but I won't put any calls through. MARLENA: Thanks, Kayla. KAYLA: I'll be going off duty soon, so I'll tell my relief not to bother you two unless it is an emergency. MARLENA: It's possible that either Abe Carver or Don Craig will try to reach me. Just tell them I'm not in my office, all right? KAYLA: I've got it. (AS MARLENA AND VALERIE HEAD FOR MARLENA'S OFFICE, BRING MIKE OFF ANOTHER ELEVATOR, IN PARAMEDIC UNIFORM. HE STOPS AT THE DESK FOR MESSAGES) MIKE: Hi, Kayla. Anything for me? KAYLA: Let me check. No, nothing. MIKE: Good, it's been quite a night. KAYLA: Tell me about it. MIKE: Are you going off duty soon? KAYLA: In about an hour. MIKE: Want a ride home? KAYLA: Thanks, Mike, I'd appreciate it. MIKE: You know what the cops say. No unescorted women out on the streets after dark. KAYLA (WITH A GRIN): That makes your life kind of hectic, doesn't it? MIKE: I don't try to cover the whole city. KAYLA: The word on the hospital grapevine is that you do. MIKE: Meaning? KAYLA: Locker room talk, I suppose. I keep telling everyone that you're taken. By Trish Banning. MIKE: You're definitely behind the times. I'm definitely available. KAYLA: Since when? MIKE: Since this whole mess with David Banning. KAYLA: I'll pass the word along. MIKE: It was meant F.Y.E.O. KAYLA: Meaning? MIKE: For your ears only. KAYLA: Oh, I see. MIKE: I thought I might take you out to dinner on the way home. If you haven't eaten that is. KAYLA: I haven't. MIKE: You have a date. KAYLA: You're sneaky. You offer a girl a ride home, and it turns out to be a date for dinner. MIKE: Do you mind? KAYLA: Of course not. If I'm with you, I don't have to worry about the Salem Strangler! MIKE: Thanks, a lot. KAYLA: You know what I mean. Roman's on my back all the time about being out alone after dark. MIKE: It could be anyone, Kayla. The Salem Strangler, I mean. KAYLA: Anyone except you, because you were on duty the night Renee DuMonde was attacked. MIKE: How is she doing, anyway? KAYLA: They won't let anyone see her. She can't talk. And of course, the story is, she didn't see her attacker. But what if she did, Mike? What if she got a glimpse of his face and is too terrified to admit it? ACT THREE... NURSES STATION, SEVENTH FLOOR... (CONTINUED. MIKE AND KAYLA STILL TOGETHER) MIKE: You've got a terrific imagination, you know that? KAYLA: I guess it works overtime. MIKE: If Renee had seen the strangler, she would have let the police know. KAYLA: Would she? I don't know if I would or not. MIKE: Let's hope you never have to make that kind of choice. KAYLA: Sometimes when I'm on the desk alone at night, and it gets very quiet in the corridors, I get a little scared Mike. MIKE: There are security guards all over the place. KAYLA: I know. But I get spooked. I guess it all started because of what's happening in the O.R. there. MIKE: What are you talking about? KAYLA: Well, it's no secret that there have been several deaths in O.R. three that don't have a logical explanation. MIKE: What are you trying to say, Kayla? KAYLA: I don't exactly. Except that there's a lot of talk about O.R. three being jinxed. MIKE: You don't buy that sort of garbage, do you? KAYLA: I'm a nurse, Mike, I've been in O.R. three during routine surgery on two different men who both died of brain death for no apparent reason. MIKE: It can happen. A reaction to the anesthesia. A dozen different reasons. You know that. KAYLA: Sure, I know. I guess it was seeing Valerie Grant tonight, knowing about the hell she raised when a patient of hers died the same way...for no apparent cause. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members FrenchFan Posted January 18, 2018 Members Share Posted January 18, 2018 Wow never realized all three of Them started on the same day Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members soapfan770 Posted January 19, 2018 Members Share Posted January 19, 2018 Aside from a fling with Chris, did Catherine Marie Stewart's Kayla ever do much beyond standing at the nurses stations all day? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members cassadine1991 Posted January 20, 2018 Members Share Posted January 20, 2018 Did the Bradys always live in Salem or did they come from somewhere else? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members YRBB Posted January 20, 2018 Members Share Posted January 20, 2018 What a fascinating bit of trivia and history. Thanks, Jason! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Paul Raven Posted January 20, 2018 Members Share Posted January 20, 2018 After that initial flirtation with Mike (Paul Coufos was fired) Kayla became involved with David Banning, with Renee as the spoiler. I recall a location shoot where Renee hid David's car keys so he missed a date with Kayla. Speaks to Pat Falken Smith's writing revamp that Stefano and Kayla are still around today, literally with Kayla and the legacy of Stefano. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dr Neil Curtis Posted January 20, 2018 Members Share Posted January 20, 2018 They are said to always be from Salem. Hope grew up crushing on Bo. I think when Mary Beth came on as Kayla it was said she and Mike (Michael T. Weiss) grew up together and dated in high school. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members cassadine1991 Posted January 20, 2018 Members Share Posted January 20, 2018 Good to know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Franko Posted January 20, 2018 Members Share Posted January 20, 2018 (cheap shot) And a decade after that, in the Who's Who in Salem book, Ken said something about Mike and Carrie having ridden bikes together. (end cheap shot) Anyway, who would have guessed that sympathetic but presumably dangerous Bradford would become the lovable Eugene? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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