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Unpopular Soap Opinions 2016

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Oh please. :rolleyes: I hate soap fans like that. You should've told all those people to get a grip and go to hell. 


I used to feel bad about wishing bad things on the soaps but I don't now. Not when they keep making the same mistakes over and over, and don't even try evolve or resort back to their roots. I'd rather people be out of work than watching these hacks continue to decimate once respectable shows into nothingness. 

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I get nasty responses on the SoapShows board when I express any opinion. There are so many people  that don't know these are characters. RABID people. They think Franko and Nina are a "cute couple" that deserve hapiness....Yikes...

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I don't "want" the four remaining soaps to be canceled, but at this point, they should be.


If there were any way for the shows' structure and integrity to be repaired, if there were any hope of the shows offering quality entertainment again, I'd be the first one to advocate giving them time to heal.


Sadly, we know that will never happen. Incompetent producing and writing is systemic now. The soaps have not been ill for just a few months or even for just a few years. They have been butchered, on life-support, and bleeding out for decades. I'd say the last time any soap was truly memorable was GH in 1994, under Claire Labine and Wendy Riche. Most other soaps have been in much worse shape, for much longer. 


How many times can fans believe in Ken Corday's latest promise to overhaul and fix DAYS? How many soaps do Jean Passanante and Charles Pratt have to decimate, before daytime stopsoffering them jobs?


Yes, there are viewers who sit passively in front of their TV screens and accept any gruel that is offered to them, no matter how gag-inducing it is; viewers who say that if you acknowledge sh*t stinks, that YOU are not the "real" fan. Those of us who grew up on hearty and satisfying full-course meals, however, don't see the point of pablum even being served. Oliver Twist might have begged for more, but we are not.


Cancel the current versions of the soaps, but make vintage episodes of their golden years, under master writers like William J. Bell and Pat Falken Smith, available instead. I'd love to compare the ratings!

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All of this. Just the perfect way to summarize what many of us feel. 


I don't want them to be cancel, but I'd prefer them to be taken off life support than to suffer any longer. As you stated, if they aren't gonna do what it takes to salvage these shows then taken them off the air. No use in letting them stagger into nothingness.

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I suppose as long as the networks can milk even the slightest bit of profit from the last four soaps, the shows will continue to limp along. This means cheaper and cheaper production values, and the hiring of PTB who will toe the networks' line, pinch pennies first, and consider on-screen excellence last.

I truly believe the soaps should be put out of their misery, but I'll bet even with their terrible ratings, the four remaining shows will be around for a while, yet. I think the next to get the axe will be DAYS, and the "last soap standing" will be Y&R.

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In the end, the Soap Opera Supercouple ultimately was not as good for the soaps as they started out because by the 90s there was too much emphasis on coupling characters instead of building them.


In my opinion, the supercouple phenomenon did more harm than good.  It should've went out with the end of the 1980s.

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I agree. I think super couples really hurt the ABC soaps, Santa Barbara, and DAYS as that was their niche. With the P&G and Bell soaps, they had popular couples but the characters in the pairings could stand alone and separately. Looking at a lot of soaps in the 80s and knowing the progression, many super couple characters had a hard time finding footing on their own. 


Look at Luke & Laura, Patch & Kayla, Marlena & John, and Bo & Hope. All were extremely popular pairing and fans still have a hard time seeing them on their own. The characters are practically marginalized. 

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