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GH actress returning for short term visit??

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Kick it for what? She really doesn't have a leg to stand on. He's been dong the best for Emma and has been a great parent in her absence. It may not be her fault this time but she has no business swooping in and taking Emma from the only consistent figure in her life

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I know KMc loves the show and is loyal to it to a fault, but at this point, with the way the show has crapped on Robin, she would better staying away. They're never going to have poor Robin be free of being held captive.

So much hate for Robin here now, it HAS been awhile since I've watched/been in the GH thread. It's not KMc's fault Frank and Ron seem apparently unwilling to write off Robin in a way that doesn't make it look like she's abandoned her family.

Sorry guys, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I just feel bad for KMc here. She has the right to both go on and do something she really wants--directing--and not constantly see her character held captive (which her family seem to barely know about) in the process. She doesn't deserve this.

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:lol: I actually knew that, Andrea! :)

And while I like Robin, I'm probably a bigger fan of Anna. But the Robin stuff has been what has kept me from watching this last year and a half, with a few exceptions here and there, which is why I don't post in the GH thread anymore, in case anyone was wondering! But I tend to watch when she's back, so I'll probably watch her now, even if I'm still pissed at how TPTB treat her :) .

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