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Bill Cosby

Marco Dane

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I already believed he was guilty of everything (minus the bizarre situation with Janice Dickinson) but this account is just making me feel very strange....it seems so real. It just feels genuine and authentic.

I truly feel sad for her and I totally get why she didn't come forward because of her career. Another part of me though does think that at some point people need to value their honor/principles before their career. If someone violated my trust and my body in such a manner I really wouldn't give a damn at that point. Even if it meant that I had to go back to ITT Tech I would give up my career in acting to have some sanity and peace of mind knowing that I confronted the sick person who did that.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Now THAT is a truly healthy attitude to have! If I were a model, I wouldn't have been worried he could "ruin" my career. He was in TV, she was a print model, his power doesn't extend into every single corner of the entertainment industry. The women who had this happen in the late 60's and early 70;s have less of an excuse. I find it really hard to believe that a white woman in 1974 couldn't get a black man arrested on rape charges if she went to the police right away.

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I've suspected for years that Cosby has been suffering from intermittent dementia. I can't recall any interview with him in the last five years or so where he hasn't seemed mildly to severely impaired and that piece is no exception. In the past I've been embarrassed for him. Now I'll just chalk it up to karma.

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This makes me want to learn more about Camille... first hand accounts of her character, how she spends her days. I'm just curious to know more about the woman for the first time in what, thirty years, of knowing who she is. A blind eye stand by your man type, utterly clueless for years, fully aware and unafraid to bust his [!@#$%^&*] in private but hung in there for the kids and security...?

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If no formal charges are able to be brought, I don't see how this is going to affect him, really. He's richer then God... only has probably 10 years left to live at the most. Many people who think this is a consipracy feel that what we're seeing is a character assassination by people who want to live and glorify the thug culture, and want to bring him down because he's the most visible and powerful black man that rallies against it. I however, don't buy that he was so powerful in 1968-74 that he would have been able to squelch rape allegations by WHITE women. Michael Jackson wasn't even bullet proof at the height of his fame. No matter what happens, The Cosby Show and Fat Albert should not be shelved and dissappear form popular culture, those shows are GOOD and have wonderful things to say, and great lessons to teach. There is good and bad in every person, and if ALL allegations are true, then what we saw on the TV screen is the BEST part of him, and that shouldn't be buried because he has a dark side.

Edited by alphanguy74
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I agree that those shows are great, but if the courts can't touch him, the syndicated powers that be and the court of public opinion can, and many won't award him any further by lining his pockets on the merits of his good work. Grab the dvds while you can.

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Good looking out! Can't remember the last time this show was "can't miss". It would be such bull if they did one of those abbreviated hosts segments and Whoopi is backstage. I don't think that'll be the case though. The producers would demand her potential devil's advocacy.

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