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YR Casting!!!!! Adam!

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I was meh when I first saw the name because I've never seen his acting. I recognized the name from Passions and I was like "oh no" and when I saw his bio I thought he was another person they hired because they think primetime roles give him credibility and he might be like nuBilly, ugh.

But if you guys are excited about it, then I'm hopeful. I would rather have had Chris Engen or better yet leave the character dead, but maybe he'll be ok. And at least we won't have to look at a hand squeezing a stress ball anymore!

So now I'm thinking the phone call Muhney got was from someone informing him of the recast, not a deal that fell through like he made it out to be.

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I'm thinking the same.

I also think we need to brace ourselves for the possibility that Justin Hartley could prove to be another dud recast. I mean, I hope he works out in the role, but I don't want to get my hopes up TOO high.

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Yeah, I don't think the call came from Y&R at all, but from one of his lame sources... probably Branco. And he twisted that to make it sound like he'd almost gotten the part back. He was getting in front of the story cause he knew the recast news was about to drop. How pathetic.

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I'm gonna be honest, I think all of Adam's previous love interests (Chelsea, Sharon, etc.) skew too old for Justin Hartley, who projects youth as well as both both strength and, more importantly, vulnerability that Muhney never allowed the character to have. He would cry and mope but in a pinch he would always go back to snark and smarm - there was not that farm boy underneath. Hartley would be, I think, much closer to the original interpretation of the character which was lost with Maria Arena Bell's foolishness and then the recast.

At her best, on AMC, as the psycho and post-psycho Annie, Missy Egan made a man out of Jacob Young and did well with David Canary, etc. Chelsea is far from her best - it's a bland role that they whittled away all the rougher edges of very quickly, so now she's playing the boring Ryan-era, pre-psycho Annie that almost sank her daytime career before it began. It's not her fault, it's the part. But I do think she projects too old for Hartley, unless they let her go back to being a vixen. But on JFP's Y&R, Chelsea is there to be the reactive ingenue to Adam.

I do think Steve Burton needs to start watching his ass. Jill's loyalty only goes so far in 2014 and Hartley is a much, much bigger star.

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None of them, they're too young. But I think Gina Tognoni, hard as she can be at her worst (and I think they're going to !@#$%^&*] her intro up in a major way), will spark better.

He might be able to pull it off with Camryn Grimes, though. Oh, boy.

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Speaking of...Justin could have been Nikki and Paul's child instead of Burton.

Here is a pic of the last actor to play him as a pre teen Victor Jr....and teen Victor Jr back in 2002


Resembles more Justin than MM.

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I always felt Muhney unnecessarily aged the character up, so Hartley is IMO more in line with his actual age range - or at least, he looks and projects it. And his other past love interests (Heather, etc.) are gone, so now all we have is Sharon Case who only sparked with Muhney and Missy Egan, who might be able to work it if they let her loose - but not if they reduce her back to the role of what Blair Cramer too often became to Todd and his twin on OLTL, with Chelsea defanged to being Adam's pining sailor's wife, waving her hankerchief on the foggy pier.

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LOL! "Oh, boy" good, or "oh, boy" bad?

Yeah, I guess he could spark with GT's Phyllis. I just don't know whether I would want the two in each other's orbit.

And I'm still waiting for Paul and Nikki to learn the truth about their alleged son. ;)

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I think it's unavoidable that they will test Gina with Hartley. I'm not saying I like it or 95% of what that show is doing, but it will happen.

I am agnostic on him with Camryn Grimes. I can't believe what they are making her play with Josh Morrow, but I think she is probably the most talented young lead on a very, very messy show, even if she is stuck in a lame story. She is too good for this show - even if she was only getting a bit part in a Steven Soderbergh movie (Magic Mike), Soderbergh keeps a stable of actors and that can lead to other things. She should not have come back. But since she did, and since she is on contract, I would play her all day every day. And I would probably try her with Hartley, yes. What I meant was, I know it will be controversial.

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