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GH: June 2014 Discussion Thread

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Chit, it only makes sense that Nathan would continue to call Nina his sister. If you were raised with/raised to believe someone is your sister, just because you find out that biologically they aren't, doesn't make them any less your sister.

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Oh great, another precocious brat with a bad attitude. I guess at least this Joss has a personality

Michael as CEO is still dumb as hell.

Exactly why is Julian still alive? A real mobster would have been killed him. Why hasn't Sonny abducted him and had a doctor extract his marrow or whatever is necessary for Danny and then kill him?

Why would you respond to a post from 2 weeks ago made BEFORE that Nina and Nathan scene?
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i think it was pretty dumb of Robocop to lie to the judge to cover Maxies ass.

As per the preview it seems that Levi will tattle on NAthan and might end up costing Maxie her day in court but as much as I think Levi is a turd nugget forthat I cant help but think its really all on Nathan.

Someone somewhere needs to figure that Maxie doesnt need rescuing but to face the consequences of her actions. The judge ordered maxie to stay away for 6 mmonths to get her act together. If she truly did she would have stepped up and told the judge that she had second thoughts, explained why she did and accept the judge decision whether it was in her favour or not.

Thats real growth. Not shutting your damn mouth as someone steps up to create the latest mess you create.

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Don't see it happening. RC has shown little interest in Anna having a personal life outside the PCPD. It is almost like the show is working FH only for her contract guaranetees and that is why we see Anna always working. The show has put little effort into D&A romance over the last year, too. I don't see this show caring about D&A enough to give them a kid together or seperately.

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One problem with that. IIRC, Robin's return is really what kind of turned things around at GH. I believe that's when the resurrgence in the ratings began. Regardless of how pitiful the stories, her returns do seem to create a bump in viewership. So they got what they wanted from Robin's appearances, and I imagine they want to keep that in their back pocket for the future and will continue to pull her out of moth balls and dust her off as needed until the casting stunt no longer gets the results they want.

I like Maxie. I like Nathan. I don't like Levi.

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But how long do you think that will work? Eventually, you have to write to keep an audience invested. When Kim returned, there was a slight bump that decreased when Robin did nothing but walk around "hiding" in plain sight. The ratings skyrocketed during the reunion at the church but then fell again. Bells and whistles will get you but so far.

Hate Maxie! Don't care about Woody! Care less about Aussie Frog!

I'm still scratching my head at the Scummy/Jillian "showdown". It was very random, and dare I say, didn't belong in the eppy. Kaka was not needed, so they could have had Scummy/Ava and no Jillian/Kaka.

NuJoss is a little stunner and a pretty good little actress, but she can go back down under. I hate little fresh kids with a passion. Jax seems to be ok with Carly moving a "reformed" serial killer into his home with his daughter? Okie dokie!

FrankenTodd moving all of his sh!t into Carly's was not funny at all. I know I should have been in stitches, but I wasn't!

Nina/homeless guy/Sam

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Det Cue Cards looked so pretty with LuLu I think it spoiled this pairing with Maxi for me and I don't see that chemistry with those two and it doesn't help that the actress is still pudgy from childbirth, chubby cheeked holding her sweater together over her midsection its not a bad thing but just sayin.

then its another plop them in an apartment together 3s company pairing .... I get it saves budget for settings but there has to be another way...now Ava is lives with Sonny, after Britt lived with Nik,then Sabrina Felix now Brad Nina is now with Silas, KiKi Morgan and Michael lived together for a time. Liz stayed with Nik....(IA I didn't get the humor with all that crap he moved in) Franco shacks up with Carly.

Its so obvious.

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