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GH: June 2014 Discussion Thread

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I don't think that she even noticed that Nathan was there. :(

Leading to what I wanted to say. The lack of caring between family is stunning anymore. Sam should have been with Molly yesterday instead of Rafe. And, Britt should have gave a sh.it about Nathan today. There's no connection anymore.

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I assumed that they at least noticed each other given the Floating Rib is a little bigger than a linen closet.

I dont care about Robocop but I would have rather Britt and Dr O banded together to support Nathan than respectively bite Liz head off (amusing as it might have been the Dr O is a tyrant at work is so played out) or crying a river over Nik.

I also wish TJ had been there to support Molly given Jordan's indirect responsibility for getting Ric shot.

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Yeah--the producers must like the look, or else they would have a "sexy" scene of Brad and Felix fighting getting to give him a haircut. Speaking of, I know Brad is meant to be suddenly psycho jealous, but NOBODY would have seen that Lucas/Felix hug in the hospital and thought it was romantic/sexy.

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Brad is a very insecure person so I buy him jumping to conclusion and making a huge fool of himself as he tries to win Lucas back.

I also gotta laugh at how he stuck his foot in his mouth by calling Lucas' mother the warden. Of course this is all a ploy to make felix seems like a better choice (and trust me it is working cuz on another board i visit they are hailing Felix as the second coming and railing Brad to the coal) but I end up rooting for Brad even more. The guy has absolutly no clue how to deal with a relationship and the first rule is Never insult the mother of the object of your affection unless you are invited to lol.

I also liked how genuine he was when he offered Felix his sympathy for sabrina losing the baby.

I know in Rc's mind it was all meant to make felix like a prize but to me Felix looked like a big drama queen even though i was supposed to feel his pain and agony. But those scenes made me an even bigger fan of Brad than i was already.

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I think Ron likes some family connections, when it suits his immediate purposes. Others, these days, he expects the audience to do the catch-up on their own time.

He wasn't always that way, but he is now.

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For me the big tipoff was when he devoted an extended fantasy sequence on OLTL to showing what worthless losers Blair and Dorian were for caring about each other instead of TSJ Todd, who was just like Jack Kennedy.

After that they rarely interacted.

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I think Ron was just more enamored of referencing Grey Gardens at that time vs. humiliating anyone. Someone on the production team did the same a little bit earlier with a very erudite reference to Ronald Neame's The Horse's Mouth, in a bit of decoration on Roxy's Hair Haven set that no one would have noticed but me.

I didn't have a problem with them referencing Grey Gardens, I thought it was cute and fun, especially when Blair and Dorian crashed that wedding together. The problem was that that whole bit was all in service of a non-story in which Blair was simply functioning as a comic spoiler, still to be hung up on Victor/Todd - after he had just re-raped Marty and tried to steal Starr's baby. That was the poison in the recipe, so to speak.

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Absolutely--I thought his early OLTL actually worked well that way. I wonder if part of the whole huge cast, scattered stories thing (though it did start on One Life) is part of both his and Frank's plan to "give 'em a Friday episode everyday." I'm not letting his writing off the hook--but I think that plays a part.

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I thought it was fine, as well. I thought it was him being perhaps a bit too clever and wanting to do the homage (just the way he wanted to do High School Musical homages, etc) but not related to humiliating the characters, even if in some ways I agree with you, Dr, that it did. But honestly, I don't think he even thinks that complexly.

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