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GH: June 2014 Discussion Thread

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Here and DD are both the island of Misfits. I chill at both places.

I still stalk SOC to look at the stupidity. Like I said. There's one poster over there that I want to chew out so bad. LOL. (I would sign up again just to do that)

NothingButAttitude. I definitely remember you over there! :D

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I came to post this very sentiment. I thought that maybe we'd get more shades of Angelique Marick, at least initially, because we know MS wouldn't have been hired to play anything other than some version of Phyllis. But straight out of the gate, she was telegraphing the brand of schemer her Nina's going to be. Nothing subtle about it. The matter of the character's similarity to Ava also crossed my mind, but in able hands (Lord help), more than one character like this on the canvas can work beautifully when they are written with absolute specificity, and prove their unique viability without any suggestion of being superfluous. AW did this masterfully. The traditional good girl/bad girl set up has given us some of our most classic soap relationships, but I've often found that two bitches are better than one. Alexis and Sable, Katherine and Jill, their interactions are always dynamite. I even loved Sydney and Tess' bitchy exchanges. So Nina and Ava will most likely produce some pretty memorable scenes, if only on the merits of Michelle and Maura should the writing fail them. They are the black hats at the centers of their own stories right now, and that's fine, all they need is a wannabe Erica and Brooke powder room tongue fight at some gala weeks down the line to settle their score.

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And you know that Obrecht is really Jennifer Smith in drag (and a latex mask). And she's in cahoots with Not!Luke, aka David "Sword of Malkuth" Gray.

Make it work, Ron! wink.png

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Rumor has it

They obviously have to throw him under the bus eventually for Det. Pretty McPlywood so I am inclined to believe it. That and the mention of them has been so random thus far.

Did anyone else think Diane looked particularly plump today? I think Carolyn might have had too long of a vacation. ph34r.png

Boo you watch for Michelle but not for Jackie? How times have changed. sad.png

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Allow me to call it now and be bored already: Nina is a Cassadine.

This will, in Ron's eyes, cement her on the show as a core power player. Nina and Nathan are the product of Victor Cassadine's two-timing both Westbourne sisters with each other, much to what I'm sure will be Liesl's over-played comic chagrin and jealousy. Remember, Nina was being kept by Madeline at the same clinic that Victor escorted Robin to; this is not coincidence. He knows both women and he has sired children by both of them. Nina and Nathan (and Nikolas) also fits the same alliteration as Stefan and Stavros. It's a new/old core family with not three, but four soap divas (Obrecht, Donna Mills, Nina, and oh yeah, Helena) that goes on forever...and ever...and ever.

Wait for it.

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Luke. The Luke story is the backbone of the show and without TG the show is on total fluff and stall mode. I really want to see this story pick up, and that episode the other day with the two Lukes was good work by TG,

I like Maxie and Nathan, they just have it and this is the start of a nice little love story.

I love Ava but her being pregnant kills her for me because babies ruin characters, so bye bye Ava.

I like Julian but but not teddy bear in love great dad Julian.

Nothing else on the show is any good except the drive by Lucy and Scotty storyline that appears once a month.

Nina: I have never seen Michelle Stafford before today in anything, not even a single scene. She's okay, nothing special. The scene was poorly directed with all the drama taken out of it and Michael Easton needs to turn in his actor card because he was awful. It's was like he hadnt seen her for three days, the way he was so nonchalant about it all.

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Ugh I just want Levi gone. I'm not interested in anything that makes him stay around longer.

I said the same thing about Carolyn. She looked absolutely terrible.

Well, not exactly. The past couple of months I've just been catching Jackie's scenes on YT. It's been pretty easy since she's not on that much. But now with Michelle on and bound to be a main character, I decided to tune back in...for both of them. ;) But I do looooove me some Michelle.

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Okay, thank you, because I was sitting there thinking I must have missed an earlier scene where he saw her already. I'm not saying he needed to do a kick-ball-change near faint, but his face registered NOTHING. He looked like a kid standing there waiting for his mom to wrap up her conversation with her old co-worker she ran into at the mall.

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