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GH: April 2014 Discussion Thread

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I agree with you. She's one of the few actors who never slips into playing herself, so to speak. Sure, her character is campy, but that's due to the writing. All I can say is she always entertains me, even when I'm not thrilled with the overall nonsense this show can be at times.

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I remember when Gloria Monty attempted to reboot GH by doing this. The character of Mac worked but not much else.

It's been a while since Dillion was reintroduced so I don't recall if GH ever addressed if he ever reconnected with Paul. Dillion also first reappeared on the The City so maybe it (like Anna and Robin's reunion) wasn't on GH.

GH has over the years gone through multiple changes, twice with Gloria Monty at the helm. The first "reboot" worked although from what I recall, many long term fans at the time were not happy with the change in tone of the show. The second time she attempted to reset the show, it was bad.

I suspect when JFP and Guza came on, their changes alienated fans as well. But they also did bring in other viewers that kept the show going.

The current incarnation of the show has things that work and things that don't for me. Yet the ratings are making ABC happy so they are most likely going to continue down that path.

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Carly didn't go to the funeral on Friday. She got her dress from (I'm guessing) the dry cleaners in the hotel and then went back up to FrankenTodd's room where she found Liv outside his door and subsequently found the suite painted by FrankenTodd. Yesterday was the first time we saw Carly dressed for the funeral.

Monica not being shown is a travesty! This is ridiculous!

Is Brian (Morgan) losing his hair? Look at the top of his head. It's like they are greasing his hair over bald spots like men do when they don't wish to go bald.

WK is still so very handsome, but that tripe coming from Ned's mouth was ridiculous. To compare what Luke did 30 years ago to what's going on now? REEEEEEdiculous! I hate when moRon tries to impress the audience with his "knowledge" of GH's history. What an idiot! And I really hate that Ned is related to Tracy because to watch him, I have to watch her. Ugh!

How soon before Geary gets to Amsterdam? I can't take this any longer and I'm a Luke fan.

Kill Spencer!

It's amazing that Carly has not right hooked Ava yet. Anyone else and their teeth would have been gone, but this is Ava, Pet# 3, so we have to watch her being so "clever". But I'm a bit curious as to why Carly would be sharing all of this with Ava? Why give her enough to cover her tracks? This does not make sense to me. Carly should have Ava believe that she is over what Scummy did for Michael's sake. Not sharing what she knows with intent of digging further. Ugh.

Kill Emma!

Kman, I really loved that one Francly scene at the jail. It was funny as hell and was one of the few times Roger did what he was supposed to do - be OTT. Someone on Twitter said it reminded them of one of those old screwball couples from an old HW movie, and I think that was spot on.

Liz is beyond useless and I wish Becky would get a blood transfusion and have a few good meals. She has a gorgeous face, but she is way too skinny and she has absolutely no color.

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