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GH: April 2014 Discussion Thread

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Let's see ....

1. Sabrina

2. Britt

3. Obrecht

4. Cementblock

5. Levi

6. Rafe

7. Silas

8. Kiki

9. Franco

10. Carlos

11. Julian (William deVry is just way too smug in this role)

12. Ava (I hate saying this but Ron always ruins every good thing he comes up with, like Obrecht, but I love Maura West so I'm torn)

13. Olivia (SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying)

14. Scummy (I wish we could keep AJ and dump Scummy and Benard's awful acting)

15. Spencer (why was this awful brat on for three days in a row?)

16. Puke (Can Geary retire to Amsterdam, please?)

17. Nikolas (why does Tyler Christopher always look so bloated? Sorry but it's distracting)

18. Maxie (I'm over her fast-talking selfish annoying ways. I can't believe I was happy she was back. Storm sucked as Belle too) Can we kill her and bring Georgie back?

19. Felix

20. Molly

Not to mention I'm growing sick of seeing Carly and Tracy written like crap.

Anymore to add to the list?

Refocus the show on Tracy/Monica, Lesley (she can probably appear more than she does), Bobbie/Carly, Felicia/Mac/Anna can be used like they are, pair Brad and Lucas (they can keep Felix if they could make him interesting and Marc Samuel didn't look so bored and uncomfortable all of the time), keep Dante/Lulu as they are (I like them, so shoot me), kill off Puke, actually USE Scott, Lucy, Bobbie and Kevin in better storylines, Morgan's alright, Michael needs a lot of work (I'd probably dump both of them and focus on Josslyn as a teenager). Dump Nikolas and Spencer. Do SOMETHING with Liz (and I love the kid playing Cameron, I love that Cam is an artist like Liz used to be). Send Scummy away. Keep Shawn, TJ and Jordan because they're some of the best this show has. And in an ideal world, Maxie would have been offed and beautiful pleasant Georgie would still be around, and AJ wouldn't have been offed, of course. I'm also near the point of wanting Alexis to die a slow and painful death but getting rid of Molly would work, or just recast with a less screechy actress. Keep Ric of course. I'd watch Rick Hearst read the phone book, just dump Scummy and Julian and focus on him.

Ava and Obrecht had potential but that went to hell because they're overused. Julian's a complete joke. I go back and forth with Britt but it's time to cut their losses with her. And they could recast Jason with an actor, who can actually act, emote and bring something to the role. And they should focus on Patrick more than they do, and put him with Liz.

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And thats the problem the show has. Every old character has at least one person that wants them back. Being a past character by definition means there is history there. Im sure there were people that wanted Lucas, Bobbie, AJ, Kevin, Lucy, Felicia, Ric, Robin, etc.... back. The problem is the cast is bloated and with the show only being about 35 minutes or so, there just isnt time to showcase everyone to any meaningful capacity. You have characters pop up and then disappear for weeks at a time with little consistency. IMO, its mor frustrating to have them around and not used then to not have them all

And simply saying I prefer to have the older characters over the RC creations isnt a solution bc he isnt doing any of those characters justice

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If a foreign soap that airs three days a week can showcase 35+ people on a regular basis, you know, like a community, a show that airs 5 days a week could do a lot better of a job, but your point is extremely extremely valid Cheap. It's the budget and piss-poor scheduling, IMO. It's why we see the same characters day in and day out and then they disappear. They could be balanced much better than they are but because of likely the budget, that just isn't going to happen unfortunately.

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Great list! Love it! It's pretty obvious I love Obrecht though. At least Kathleen Gati is a laughingstock in terms of bad acting. Can't say that for the rest of the distractingly bad performances on GH. I want Obrecht to kill every single person on that list. Maybe she can die afterwards smile.png

Morgan, Michael, Sam, and Emma should be on that list somewhere. I like Kelly Monaco in other roles but too much of her brings out how one note her acting is when she gets bored. Her sing song voice is unbearable. And Morgan, Michael, and Emma I can't stand in any capacity. I go back and forth on whether Carly or Lulu should be on that list too. Emme Rylan is actually growing on me, and Laura Wright playing up Carly's delusional self righteousness is actually a gem. Except when Carly is panting after Franco, ugh!

I hate how Tracy is written. She absolutely should not be giving Luke another chance and trying to trust him. I'll never understand how so many people saw him as a viable character. That's like seeing Todd Manning, Jack Deveraux, or the loser Robert Ford as viable characters.

Oh, and Diane Miller absolutely needs to be on that list! She is so obnoxious and Carolyn Hennessy's acting is always heinous.

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Here's my list of people to eighty-six (cut-and-pasted from wikipedia and SoapCentral, so if I forgot anyone, or if anyone on this list is gone already, then apologies):




























Dr. Obrecht











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You are on it early, I see. I like your list, but I would keep:




Ava (maybe)

Maxie (even though I loathe her)

Molly (recast her)


Felix (on the fence about him)

Eliminate everyone else you suggested and include Frank and Ron. Under them, GH is a disjointed mess and will never be better or resemble a real soap. I'd also get rid of that drip Patrick and bring in a doctor with the personality Patty used to have. He doesn't need to be sexing up nurses in closets, but he can't be trying to prove himself to a gangster loving snob or moping all the damn time. I'd like to see what Sobby could be w/out Patty to weigh her down.

I would not, however, refocus the show on Tracy and Monica. I would focus it on the characters in Carly, Nik, Liz, Shawn, Jordan etc age group (give or take some years) with Lucy, Bobbie, Monica, Kevin, Scottie as supporting characters. Seventy year olds as the driving force behind GH would be the quickest way to cancel it. Sobby, Maxie, Britta as tier 2 and so on.

FrankenTodd? Still really on the fence about this guy. Of course, AJ would have been the keeper because he makes sense to the canvas. Not to mention, Sean was completely committed to GH. It's just an ATM for Roger. But I digress. DeQuing him was the 2nd biggest mistake (after resurrecting him) with the character because when Roger bothers to work, FrankenTodd is in the hotel room waiting for Carly to show up. I will always believe this move was made in retaliation to the backlash of FrankenTodd and Kaka being Qs and in that house. Why the change of direction of the character if you have long term plans for him as a Q? There were none. Having the Q name was supposed to make FrankenTodd acceptable by the audience (Ron said on camera that being a Q would make FrankenTodd a front and center character). When it didn't work [noise on Twitter], they moved FrankenTodd on and put the Qs back on the mantle, one of them literally. So Q or Baldwin, they really had no plans for FrankenTodd. We are just supposed to sit back and love the genius that is Roger.

I will say that even though I don't see Crappy with enough talent to get FrankenTodd out of this corner he's severely backed in, Roger and LW are really terrific as an onscreen pairing. It's really natural for them. I found myself feeling a bit sorry for FrankenTodd for a second because he had a girlfriend yelling at him for no reason. The problem was, they regressed Francly from a week ago so that they could have this big argument and to prove Carly is still feisty (compensate for Carly doing nothing during her kidnapping). Remember, last week they were on the same page with Ava? The graffiti room was for shock? It was the dumbest thing in the world. Plot driven garbage is so easy to spot. Sigh...

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Honestly Id refocus on legacy families-Dont have to bring all these characters in but some to pick from

The Webber/Hardys

Elizabeth, Jeff, Tom, Tom Jr, Sarah, Terri, Simone, Audrey

The Baldwin/Collins

Scott, Lucy, Kevin, Serena, Christina

The Q's/Wards

Monica, Michael, Tracy, Brooklyn, Ned, Dillion, Jimmy Lee, Keesha, Faith, Maya


Laura, Nik, Stefan, Lucky, Lulu. Dante, Bobbie, Carly, Lucas, Josslyn, Morgan, Alexis, Molly


Mac, Anna, Robin, Felecia, Maxie, Robert, Patrick


Ephifany, Britt

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The show is crowded but it was huge when Wendy Riche produced it. The difference there was that the stories were mostly umbrella and used the full cast and they interacted with the whole town

Now we have this fraction for a month, then that fraction. No consitcency and long times between stories playing out

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