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B&B Promo - Battle of the Psychos!

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Oh HELL to the NAW!!!!! That Fuller upstart better not hurt my Ally!

Seriously though, this promo is awesome. I just wish somebody would put Quinn and her whiney son in their places. Though maybe not quite yet.

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You are right, but you're forgetting so many more: Brooke, Jackie, Beth, Amber, Steffy and I'm sure several more... Brad just loves to have people fall from somewhere and then two weeks later they can walk and run as if nothing were.

Anyway, I have to say I'm DIGGING Allie and this young actress portraying her. I'm happy to say I've liked her from the get-go :D I mean, come on she can go toe to toe with Rena Sofer... that must say something about her.

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Nothing EVER EVER EVER is gonna beat:

Stephanie "Let go of me Jackie!" *pushes*

Jackie: "ahhhhhhh"

Aly vs. Quin is kinda random/gross to the extent that they are from completely different age groups but it's perfect B&B fodder. Nobody does camp better than Brad Bell.

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That's what makes it so good. How crazy is that Aly is going to mess with a master psycho like Quinn - hey, Aly should be thanking Quinn for the makeover and info on Liam for that dinner.... I hope Quinn throws that back in her face. I would love for Aly/Quinn to end up being allies. Theoretically, Quinn should be smart enough to manipulate Aly into realizing that Hyatt means that Aly can have St. Liam....

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I find it just a little hard to handle that Aly looks like 16, ok she's what 18?, and Quinn is threatening to throw her off the landing!?

From a camp and storyline standpoint this is spot on Must-See-TV, but for a mother with a child the same age to threaten a teen like this and brush over it is a bit much.

Not that B&B will spend a nano-second on my second thoughts and just rush right through it into Aly vs. Quinn. And it's gonna be good probably. Very good.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Q8jGxGEkDl4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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I had to go and look at that again. And what is so funny is that Stephanie and Jackie aren't anywhere close to the balcony railing. Jackie basically does like a cartwheel (this is before she even gets to the railing) and then somehow flips completely over, not through, the railing. Ha ha!!!!

OT: While I was watching that clip on YouTube, I saw a video on the side that reminded me of something that I completely forgotten. Taylor unknowingly carried Brooke and Nick's child!

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I thought the story with the eggs swap had lots of potential, I liked it on paper but then it just lacked something. Probably I wasn't that invested in Nick as a character, but I feel that the overall show was lacking something huge in those years. It was dark and there was just something missing, call it excitement or whatever. I wonder if this Jack Hamilton Marone character will ever surface again. I'd love for him to pop up with a chip on his shoulder. Nick can stay away forever though.

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