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B&B: Upcoming location shoot & a special guest star

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I figured this was tied in somehow with KKL's horse-racing commitments. She's been doing prestigious events for years, including in the Middle East where the breed stallions (For real! I'm not making a joke about Dollar Bill here), and they have prestigious race events involving horses going across the desert.

Very exciting, jet-setty stuff. I doubt we will see the actual triathlon itself, but the international glitz of Dubai/Abu Dhabi fits in perfectly with B&B's brand. I am sure the show will do a more flattering job of showcasing Abu Dhabi than Sex & the City 2 did.

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It just shows what a genius Brad really is - KKL's triathlon and he turns it into another location shoot. Despite occasion storyline duds, etc., the fact the B&B finds ways to incorporate outside scenes (like the terrace, parking lots, etc.), truly gives it a leg up. It's hard to believe that the other LA soaps didn't find a way to do this as well. (Oh, and the excuse that the others aren't based in LA is no excuse, considering that those back lots, locals substitute for the other locations in films, prime time, etc.) I really admire what B&B has done on the production end.

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