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GH: February 2014 Discussion

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Well with this exit, I would've preferred Robin stayed dead until a capable writer was able to tell a decent back from the dead story. IMO, I feel that RC could be a great writer but he's so effing lazy and doesn't pay attention to fans.

Seriously, my love for the remaining four shows is waning because of the half-ass writing, written by incapable writers. Dare I say I'm freaking glad my AW, ATWT, & GL got put out their misery when they did.

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Networks dont want capable writers who will make soaps truly viable because if they do, more will have to go into production and CBS ABC & NBC dont want that to happen.

PP didnt work but I feel that model could on Hulu & Netflix. I wish more daily soaps would end up there

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Luke looks like he's just back from a bender in Amsterdam.

Can't believe they didn't take the opportunity to have Britt say "OOPS, no heartbeat....just kidding...too soon?" after her apology.

In the preview for tomorrow: Sonny "Cut your losses"...C'mon Ron listen to Sonny...cut your losses, Kiki is awful.

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Oh hell no. He'd have a field day with Sharlene seeing as she had an alter, Sharly. He'd create the more too: Harley, Darley, and Carly. They'd all be scheming, maniacal whoremongers. He'd revive Justine and have her running around Bay City like a fool. Grant would be SUPER mustache twirling-way worse than what he was in the show's final years. He'd have Vicki come to the conclusion that Grant, despite all wrongdoing he's done, is her one true love -_-. Only thing I could see him doing right is undoing Ryan's death, but he'd make Ryan become dark, instead of the upstanding citizen he was.

Thinking about it, RC would've really had a field with AW, probably more so than OLTL, which is scary.

Networks piss me of because they renew these shows, really wanting to cancel them, but keep them with incompetent writers attached to them as a way to drive fans away, thus giving them a reason to cancel them; however, their hopes and dreams aren't coming to fruition. Ratings are going up, so you'd think they'd just want to FINALLY hire new blood, stellar enough to carry the torch, but no.

I'd prefer these last four to be put out their misery and for soaps to go on a hiatus until a young writer that loves genre (myself) comes up with newer, fresher shows that go back to genre's roots. I'm seriously jaded towards the genre as of late.

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