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GH: February 2014 Discussion

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Color me shocked, that for once, RC's trying to sell some very complex motivations driving a character.

Her powerful, kickazz parents been once again rendered powerless to help her out of a dilemma because a near omnipotent villain holds all the cards. Again. Anna already proved powerless to stop Victor from freeing her captor, who then assumed control over Robin's beloved hospital. Not surprisingly she just lost it when Dr. O taunted her because Robin's a control freak who hasn't had a lick of control over her own life the past two traumatic years.

Now Victor throws in her face the fact once strong Jason been rendered a captive, too. Just like she was. This is a classic case of over-identification with another captive. Her run-in with Danny helped feed the over-identification as she saw herself kept from her own child.

If Robin doesn't try to save Jason, she's failing him but also herself. Kevin could've have explained this to Patrick in under 30 minutes. It's that obvious. But unfortunately, her behavior is being reduced to simplistic choosing Jason's dick over Patrick due to their complicated history.

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Unfortunately, daytime TV has so over-dramaticized PTSD, unless the character is reduced to a walking basket case, viewers don't believe they have been traumatized.

Denial of irrational behavior, over-identification with fellow victims and a tortured sense of helplessness are the signs here.

It was actually 2 not 3 years ago this week that Robin ran back to the lab for Jason's cure. That was more reckless than a willful act of risking her life.

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Lord knows I love Kevin to pieces. But, I just can't deal with him being around that annoying d.ickweed Franco.

Spencer walked in on Nik and Britt after they finished gettin' busy. Kinda disturbing.

What was up with the weird music being used again in the opening today.

And, holy cow! TRACY is on! I haven't seen her in ages.

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I doubt it, I think Kim just wanted a driveby visit. She is focused on her directing career.

Preach! It's so transparent.

Well said. There is no story, no heart, here. It's plot point, stall, next plot point, stall etc. Pathetic. It is baffling to me that a soap, a genre I've long-defended for being able to connect you emotionally with the characters on a day to day basis, can be so hollow and cheap. Part of it is definitely the over-crowded canvas of 50+ characters.

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Ok cause I was like wait a mnute. The only reason Heather went to Kelly's as to [!@#$%^&*] Joe Kelly and give Rose hell.

Her mom Alice went to Kelly's all the time. She always took the bus from the Webbers to Kelly's and even drank beer there

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They actually had Robin address what Ron sees as "his haters" on social media, who had been dogging him about not writing re: Robin's trauma and pain after her ordeal. He kept scoffing on Twitter that no one wanted to watch scenes about that stuff, basically, and then he finally inserted a very hamhanded scene a few weeks ago where Robin casually explains to Patrick and Anna, as part of a totally unrelated conversation, that she does not have PTSD at all, not to worry audience, let's move on.

So no, it's not PTSD. They made it explicit in the dialogue that she does not have it and then dropped it because they have absolutely no interest in that angle.

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