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GH: February 2014 Discussion

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KT really tanked those Britt/Liz scenes. She just has no energy. The writing sucked, but Becky Herbst at least kept some fire throughout the scenes. Kelly just seemed to be reading lines, and then was completely pooped out before the "fight" scene ended.

This is what I hate the most about the FV/RC style. They want to seem "soapy," but they are too lethargic to do anything about it. So you have these lame-ass scenes that seem like a parody someone filmed for ten minutes in their living room and put on Youtube.

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I remember once when you said they were like a parody of soap without the affection--and that's what I feel. It's like they have a score card "cat fight for the month" check.

In Llanview in the Afternoon the cast were understandably grateful to R/C, and they got some good material, but I'm reminded of how Erika Slezak described Dena Higley's run -- there would be random big events (like a stable falling down) with no rhyme or reason.

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It wasn't even a real cat fight. It's just so empty. You had a few very clumsy, very obvious fake slaps, mixed with some lame trash talking that KT sleepwalked through.

That's true about Higley. I never understood the point of stunts like the hospital explosion, etc. I guess at least they were better produced than this [!@#$%^&*].

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Is ER's Lulu so unlikeable to the point where some viewers want(ed) both Britt and Maxie to have the baby over her? I've noticed that the likeability over the character is being used as the determining factor over the morality as in who should have custody of Ben.

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Yeah, I don't get that at all. JMB's Lulu was fantastically likable and relatable her first two years, but rarely after that.

Emme Rylan had a rough start, but I find her Lulu much more likable than the character's been in years.

I wanted Maxie to lose everything and be committed to Miscavige or Ferncliff after her latest act of destruction and especially what she did to Lulu.

I may not want Britt to lose everything, but she needs to lose that baby to Lulu and Dante. Ben was never Britt's in the first place.

But I'll still take Britt's side over green-eyed Lizzie when it comes to most other points in this random series of plot points.

I want Heather to massacre most of this bloated cast and then commit suicide because her precious Franco was among those she killed.

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I think KT did a great job yesterday and BOTH RH and KT brought it. i didnt see the lethargy some people are pointing out and i think on some level both were in characters. That was far from the worst part of the show. (Solivia takes the lead in that department)

I like Lulu much more now that ER is playing Lulu. I always found JMB's Luluto be conceited and self entitled and now i see a nicer blend of both Luke and Laura.

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IDA with the comments on Lulu. I think ER is great in the role and VERY likeable. Even when she shouldnt be (like leaving Dante), I think she's portrayed the character as having alot of heart so that you can relate and understand her emotions. I think she has more fire and energy beind her than JMB did. Not to say she's better, but her portrayal is definitely different, in a good way. I could see JMB playing the same material and having Lulu come across cold

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I think the "push" against ER is mostly a fandom thing. "She can never replace Juuuuulllieee!!" I don't see it anywhere but in a few pockets online of diehard shippers.

As for why RC treats her that way, it's nothing to do with them - it's all about him and how he mangles characters.

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