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DAYS: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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Eeeeeeeeeee! I just watched Friday's episode and I want to squee!

Julie grilling Gabi like the bloodhound she is! Gabi holding it tuhgethuh, likely thanks to her glossy hair which was looking on point today! Gabi can rock curls in a way Theresa just cannot!

Drunk Brady! Giving himself the 'lookin' good' finger-pistol-shot in the mirror!

Abby guilts EJ into meeting her on Smith Island! For a minute, it was like Crazy Abby had returned. And somebody with a camera folllowed them to the cabin! And is taking pictures of them kissing! (It's Friday. You just knew EJAbby were going to Go There).

Eric and Nicole are going to be gassed to death/blown go smithereens by Dr Chaka Khan's gas leak! Yes, I know how that must read but I don't have time to change it! Eric tells Nicole he doesn't want to die without telling her the truth. That he loves her, always has, and that it is deeper than friendship. He doesn't want to lie to her, and he doesn't want to lie to God. A crying Nicole squirms closer to him so she can lay her head on his shoulder, and he kisses... her forehead! Gah! Saint to the end, aren't you, Eric? LOL, it was actually very sweet. And Nicole's hair in that filthy basement, all normal and straight, is the best it has looked since she had it cut.

Squeeeeee! This is the first time in YEARS I am wondering "How can I wait til Monday/Tuesday?"

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Those Ericole scenes wub.png It's amazing how slowburn this storyline has been, starting in November 2012 and reaching this point now. It's been so well plotted and paced, I'm surprised it can happen on a soap today especially after the era insta-hookups that this show made us endure. I hope they smooch before Daniel saves the day. It really has been a classic storyline of two people battling their feelings for each other, roadblocks being thrown in their way, events occuring that throw their circumstances out of synch with each other, wanting to be better people because of each other, becoming better people because of each other wub.png

Julie Williams on the case - I'm surprised but not suprised that she couldn't make Gabi crack.

Guy Wilson has infinitely more chemistry with Freddie Smith than Chandler ever did. I'm still adjusting to him though. Massey was an awful actor in his last 6 months, but he may have the edge on charisma over Wilson - may be too early to make judgements though.

I'm not really into Abigail's angst. But I hope it's a nice twist as to who is taking photos of Abby/EJ. Obvious choice is an employee of Stefano. It would be rather dissapointing if these photos come out at the Ejami wedding (assuming there is one?) because it is too similar to the Kristen/Brady wedding.

Rafe/Jordan are butterflies and rainbows, but if they dissapeared tomorrow, I would not care. Kate and Lucas in their orbit is great though.

Kate chewing out Adrienne was awesome to watch, but is a mis-step that will come back to bite her in her behind. I don't like Kate and Sami being written this sloppy in their schemeing while EJ is depicted as a faultless pro at running coverups. It doesn't ring true with their past actions. But both have gradually got sloppier over the years with their actions. For example, it is this type of sloppiness got Kate hitched to Stefano.

Brady and Theresa are fun to watch.

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I love Ericole for all those reasons you stated. Ericole already had a history; he really was the one that got away back in the day, but Days went the distance to establish them from scratch with a new actor playing Eric. Nicole was so ruined from previous writing regimes that they decided to rebuild her character from the ground up, too. And they gave his religious conviction a lot of grounding and treated it seriously, without making all the "spiritual stuff" sound sappy or saccharine.

Yesterday's scene was so beautiful. I initially assumed the towel would be coming off her in short order, but it was just as sweet and intense as an actual love scene, IMO. The way they declared their love was relatively uncheesy, too, considering the OTT situation. You sensed the actors and the writing were invested in every emotion, and that's why it was so touching. Especially the way he told her he loved her and that he could no longer hide it in the eyes of God or anybody. I actually got goosebumps when she laid her head on his shoulder.

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Guy Wilson is not cute at all and his hair is awful. His acting's alright but I just cant find him pleasant to look at. The actor playing Sonny looks better than him, and I never found him all that attractive before either

Dang, Abby is quite the horny ho. Already playing games. Girl is hooked and she's starting to act needy. Im seeing shades of an obsession and EJ is too dumb to not see whats coming.

Man the doc is crazy, ready to blow up the entire building. Nicole should have kept her mouth shut...lol

LMAO at Teresa getting all heated over Nicole. I wouldnt mind seeing them feud, although it needs to be over Brady not Daniel. Definetly dont want Brady and Nicole again, but I can see her trying to intervene to keep him away from Teresa who is trouble.

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Days is on FIRE right now! I am LOVING my show! I don't want to sound like a commercial, but if any of you soap fans are NOT watching Days - give it a chance. You won't be disappointed. Here's my thoughts for the week!

1) Sami walking in on EJ/Abby and the suspense of the two of them being spied on (before revealing it was Sami) was so good! I love the suspense the writers put in there! Making Sami and Abby have a "private conversation"... such good writing! I can't wait for Sami to find out Abby's been on her man TWICE now! (Hopefully this will all come out during Feb sweeps/the Olympics!)

2) As for Sami's hair... I'm cool with a little variation from time to time (pink streak and all) but I hope the brown is temporary.. Samantha Gene is a blonde through and through!

3) I love that Julie is back and trying to find out what happened to Nick! Seeing SSH is always a great thing! I'm so glad it's Julie who is on that investigation and NOT Maggie!

4) As always I'm loving the comedy between Anne/Teresa/the IT guy.. Anne's "fall"... I love that Days is able to be humerous and comedic and at the same time have such great umbrella storylines that are dramatic and involve the whole cast.

5) Props this week goes to Ari Z and Greg V!! Those scenes at the end of this week where they are kidnapped and tied in the basement were STELLAR!!! The writing is great that he finally admits he loves her on the Friday cliffhanger as their lives are on the line. Ari ROCKED IT with her "I wish I did, but I just don't have the kind of faith you do," and fear of dying. Ari played a tortured woman in angst so well!

6) I was about to freak out over the "proposal" for Will and Sonny! It is WAY too soon (especially with Guy JUST getting into the role) so I'm glad that was a false alarm (at least for now). I feel like that was kind of out of nowhere... even if CM were still in the role, I think that would have still felt forced and rushed. This couple needs more time to grow and mature.

7) Line of the week: "Any connection I had with Nick is dead in the water!" by Kate :)

It's a great time to be a 'Days of our Lives' fan! Especially heading into the Olympics! I'm excited for stuff that is coming up! Check it out!

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Ericole has been such an amazing story. When Eric first returned as a priest and I thought they would just do a storyline of him re-discovering feelings for Nicole and choosing her over the priesthood I was so disappointed. I am so glad I was so wrong. This is such an amazing slow-burn, complex storyline. I just love how everything came together. I think GV is doing a great job as Eric.

I think Guy Wilson brings more chemistry to the table than Chandler did. When his Will looks at Sonny it actually seems like he is looking at a boyfriend. I was never a big fan of CM, so maybe I'm not the best judge. He looks younger on screen than he did in pictures I'd seen previously.

It will be interesting to see where the EJ/Abby story goes from here. I wonder who was photographing them.

I still feel like/hope Kristen is coming back somewhere down the road. I guess I just can't believe that's the end of her.

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Guy is a better actor. I dont know yet about the chemistry with Freddie but being in bed aint bad...lol....Guy's Will looks like he is more mature than GM version...reminds me when Heather Rattray took over the role of Lily and she became more mature...It will be interesting to see what obstacles the couple will go through with Guy in the role.

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Guy looked much more comfortable in bed than Chandler. His last six smirky months were so annoying. If I had to hear him talking about a surprise party for himself one more time...Just like his mother, it's all about Will. I don't get that attitude from Guy, so I'm liking Will again.

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