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DAYS: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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There are a good amount of Hortons on right now, around 10 actually. They just don't really feel like a family until cuz there is jen/JJ/Abby, Maggie, Julie, hope/Ciara, will, Lucas and not a lot of crossover/family scenes. I'd like them to build them up as a family and add more.

It's so time for the Brady's to go next year. Sami and Bo kept them relevant for years but he's gone and she is.. Well. Eric can stay but theresa and Caroline etc can all go. Even will. I'd trade will out for someone new for sonny tbh.

And while I am discussing family units I am desperate for someone to make victors connections a family unit. Victor/Maggie, Daniel, Brady, Hope/Ciara, Justin/Adrienne/Sonny, add in a few others.

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I have to say that the scene between Abby and EJ were he was gripping her arm and threatening her... the real EJ was exposed. It was chilling to watch Abby realise exactly what kind of man she has slept with. And of course completely compelling to watch.

I wasn't expecting that twist in the Ejabby story but it was refreshing and real because, his love for Sami aside, that is the kind of ruthless man EJ is.

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Agree with all this.

I would love to see more Kiriakis action, but the writers, I think, believe they must choose between the DiMeras and Kiriakises. I liked it under Tomlin's previous regime when the show toyed with a DiMera vs Kiriakis face-off. It was long overdue seeing JM and JA go toe to toe, but the story sort of got lost and faded away.

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LMAO at Hope saying her daughter is sweet and nice and doesn't have it in her to be mean to anyone.

omg Gabi, STFU

NuWill's hair is godawful

Arianna was adorable in that scene with EJ and Abby. She was so expressive looking back and forth at them, reacting to the conversation. She's a better actress than the one playing Sydney

a few years? They've been together for a little over one year. They first started dating back in the latter part of 2012. Will is too young to get married. He has his whole life ahead of him and he's only had this one adult relationship with a male. I don't think its a good idea at all. I can see where Sonny is coming from as he's older and has had more life experience, but Will hasn't so I think he made the right decision in waiting

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Hope had some good chemistry with EJ today. Under different circumstances, Id have been cool with them having an affair.


LMAO at the shady look Sami was giving Julie at the church. Speaking of which, what a gossiping old bitty! That thing she said about Eric was so inappropriate and Im glad Hope checked her


Who didn't see this coming?

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