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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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Well I guess I had bad parents because I was left in the car before under the age of 10 several times while my mom ran into the store for a couple of minutes.

But my point of the article is that it may not have been illegal. Only certain states have laws. One state I said any child under 5 and another state said any child under 7 couldn't be left alone in the car but the one for under 7 ( I think it was tennesee) stated a running car.

Of course leaving a child in a hot car is a definite no no.

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Negligence that lead to a death is illegal everywhere...that's why they have charges called involuntary manslaughter...in other words, most states won't arrest you if they catch you leaving a kid in car....but it damn sure will if you leave the kid in the car and the child dies because of it, i.e. heat exhaustion.

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But really, did we want to see Billy arrested for Delia's death? I do think it was his fault. If he were my husband, I could never forgive him. Still, I didn't need to see a grieving father going to jail on a soap. Even IRL when people leave their kids the car by accident and they die, I'm really torn on prison time. Part of me thinks they deserve it and part of me thinks they're already in hell, so what's the point?

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Billy shouldn't have left Delia alone but he told her to stay in the car and to lock the doors. Not even 2 seconds after Billy went in Delia opened the door and ran after Dash. That is when Adam came speeding down the road and apparently hit her when he swerved to avoid the dog. Yes Adam stopped, got out and looked, and left when he saw the dog was okay. It was an accident. But the thing is only we the audience know that. The police to the eye witnesses seem to see it a different way -- the driver hit the girl, got out and saw her, and then hightailed it out of there.

Since there apparently is no video footage from surveillance cameras they can only go by Adam's word. And sorry that is just not enough especially now since they have proof her was messing with Billy online. I am sure it won't be long before they discover he fixed his car, so the evidence tampering will also come into play. Not to mention the fact his son benefited from the little girl's death. Now he is leaving the country indefinitely? None of this looks good. Who would believe that a man with a violent background and who has spent the past 3 months lying to everyone didn't see her? At this point I wouldn't believe him either. Too much as happened.

As for Billy leaving her alone. He would not be arrested. CPS would definitely come and talk to him because a child was killed. That is just protocol. My mother does this stuff all the time and she says nothing would happen to Billy. There is no history of abuse or neglect. A most he might be forced into some kind of counseling since they have another young child but that is about it.

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I have a friend that was returning a video to a video store. When she arrived and parked directly in front of the store and the car visible from inside, she realized her youngster was asleep in his car seat. Rather than waking him, she locked the car, went in and returned her video. In that short time, some do-gooder wrote down her license plate number and reported her to the police. The police actually came to her home and told her what she did was illegal and she could be prosecuted for child neglect if it happened again. Needless to say, she never did again.

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Nope...but it would make Adam more human. They think the person saw her and just left her there to die like an animal. I understand their anger. But Chloe should hate Billy forever. Someone needs to blame him besides himself because his self pity grates on my nerves.

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