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Y&R: January 2014 Discussion Thread

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Wow! I was just speculating about this SL on Twitter. The show talking about it makes me happy. I think it would be great. We get back to business and it adds more angst for Hevon. You have the old and the new, and as a first, a black character with tons of cash to the mix. I'm in! There need not necessarily be a romance between Hill and Jack but Dev could resent the closeness.

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Yes...I could see that. I can also see Hilary refusing to date Devon because his family hates her, she doesn't want to risk losing his friendship, or some other equally ridiculous excuse. Then Devon notices her little crush on Jack and it goes from there. But I can see that they are definitely doing something with those three. I also like that Devon does have the means to go toe to toe with Jack. Plus bryton has the acting ability to hold his own in scenes with anyone.

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LMAO at Jess Walton acting & trying to look around while her gigantic boobs are threatening to fall on her face and smother her.

Re: Katherine's sketch. It is so damn ugly. You can barely see it and they chose a very boring, generic picture to base it off of. I mean, come on. It also sticks out like a sore thumb among its surroundings.

I have no words for the fact that Delia's MOTHER is reduced to some sort of obsessive attachment to another woman's child in order to show her grief while Billy Boy gets constant, heavy play as the grieving father who also gets some.

Just like that, Devon will buy the GCAC. This show has businesses change hands every two seconds. It's cheap, too easy, and too quick. That being said, it might work for Devon to own the restaurant.

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I think its supposed to be that way on purpose. Don't you have to pay the person to use their image on the show? I'm not exactly sure how that works when they're dead.

Did Kelly really say she wants to be Victoria's friend after she banged her husband?

Why is Chelsea freaking out about Victor being around Connor again?

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The only time Chloe had decent storylines was when she first started. After Cane and Billy moved on she was basically non existent. I don't think TPTB have any interest in her character and that became more evident when they created Chelsea who is basically an upgraded version of Chloe. It is very telling that after Chlovin intially broke up that Kevin got the better deal. He moved to the GCPD and started intereacting with different characters. Chloe just became attached to Chelsea's hip and is now obsessed with her child.

I am really trying to like Kelly. I get the whole grief sex and regret angle. I do but there is just something about her that is way off. Who calls the wife of the man you just had an awkward ONS with and tell her that her husband is ignoring her? She acted like a freak during the dinner. It is like she is trying to place doubt in Victoria's mind subtly.

This will clearly be a quad. And we have a picture to prove it.


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I like that picture evidence! I can't wait for DT to appear on my screen. I might actually be able to watch Billy again.

ETA: You guys are right in that they are not invested in Chloe. I remember reading an interview of MM where he said that he was supposed to be paired with Chloe but then Shadam took off and they went with it. I wonder what is going on with EH and TPTB where they would rather recreate her character than write for her.

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I know, and it is HORRIBLE.

If the writers don't care about Chloe (which is pretty much evident) then they shouldn't have killed off her child. Something like that requires the MOTHER of said child to be on constantly.

It is tough to picture DT's Billy as anything other than a teenager/young adult & he still looks pretty young, so it is great to see this pic and notice how well he fits in physically/in terms of looks. I can definitely see him against Stitch, too.

I've started to really like her. The grief she showed when Victoria brought Johnny downstairs was great. Finally the acting talent is showing through!

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Aww, DT is all grow-dy up-y!

For some reason, that strikes me as a very cool pic. Not quite candid, and not one of those heavily posed for photos that end up on soap mag covers. The picture has some life to it which I hope will translate onscreen because Y&R is in desperate need.

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