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GH50: January 2014 Discussion - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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He looked great, yes. But, then again.....he always does. IMO.

I think that they will move him into other stories. Finally.

Also. I get a bad feeling about the Franco thing now that I've been thinking about it more. I think that maybe the Kevin/Lucy/Scott triangle is gonna end because Franco harms Kevin. And, Lucy goes back to her husband and dumps Scott for good.

My personal preference though is for Ryan to come back from the dead...imitate his brother again. And, kill Franco with his bare hands. LMAO!

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why on earth would Ava turn from 9% fat and viagra free Morgan for a guy who not only spends all of $2.99 on hair dye, but secretly wants to engage in incestuous relations with his own brother? I mean, if that is Ava's level then she must be the worst character on the show being paired with her match. Ric? If I could think of even a single story besides the Panic Room that he starred in that was any good I would think he might be interesting, but this is the idiot who had the einstein idea to have Jason beat him up so he could press charges but then forgot to get witnesses. So all he got was beat up. This is the major player who had the fiendishly evil idea that he can drive sonny crazy by buying some white shmata for Emily to wear, and that would drive Sonny crazy. Not because he had any secret plan to steal his millions, but so that he could be the one who helped him get better.

There is the poor man's Scotty Baldwin, and then there is the destitute homeless crack addict's Scotty Baldwin. That would be Ric.

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I didnt see any harm in that line i found it funny. Did IB ever confirm any of those rumors? Not that i would be surprised in the least but still...

I love to bash rc for anything but that line was written by kate hall rc just allowed it to make it on screen. And even then its more fv who gets to call the last shot as an EP..

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