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Another Y&R actor out??

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I assumed MM was fired because he and EB started fighting on set like Hugh Grant and Colin Firth in Bridget Jones' Diary. This new allegation is uncomfortably real and upsetting to read. Obviously he should be named and shamed if this is true but now this young girl has been dragged into the court of public opinion and my heart goes out to her. What a [!@#$%^&*] show. How were Sony, CBS and JFP unable to do damage control here? They let this linger and linger then fired him and the internet exploded! How is it that tje cast were not ordered to stay off Twitter (no "You don't know the whole story,guys!!!") until this mess died down? How is Nelson still employed by Huff Post? What a mess.

HK is going to be targeted by the crazies now, I think we all know that.

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John, on 19 Dec 2013 - 7:09 PM, said:snapback.png

Who the hell tells who their source is? That would be idiotic.

If you dont want to belive it then dont. But like nobody reveals their source, unless they never want information again.

Clearly they had the tea and spilled it. You seem upset because this impacts precious MM far more than HK.

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LOL! I need her to write a book

yeah, he had issues at AW the first go, at days with every female basically. Ali was actually a minor and I dont think they really had an issue, her mother did have an issue with him dating an underage actress though and went to execs expressing not wanting her daughter around him. He def had issues at AW round 2 and then at GH.

It also shows how far DC has fallen. How did they not know this? Years ago theyd have had the details and likely ran it. If not run it, they would tease the hell out of knowing. They tried to take on ML/TV Guide as he clearly was in the know, and when they were clued in the shut up and back down.

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As arrogant as MM has proven himself to be I can't help for believing that its true. With Hunter still being young, he probably thought he'd get away with it. Well, if this is what caused him to lose his job, he deserved it. I knew he was holding back in that interview, and we weren't getting the full story. Muhney only has himself to blame for this.

I just thought about it, he's a married father. I'm sure he doesn't want his wife and kids to know the truth about what really happened..

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I'm not sure DC would have run this, assuming for a moment this claim is legitimate (I have no problem believing it, but I am not comfortable fully piling on about anyone, no matter how obnoxious, with something as serious as this until I have more to go on; this is still a person with a family and a career and it's a very serious allegation).

DC, and Logan with them, adhere to a number of cults of personality and schools of thought that dramatically shape their biased POV, including worshipping Michael Muhney up until now. On their own, had the info come to them I think they would have clammed up and shut down in shock, as they have now.

Assuming for a moment it's true, I'm not convinced they wanted this to come out. For one thing, no matter how much they posture about being "real journalists" something like this is too big for them. (They also were remarkably insensitive re: RKK this past year.) Logan, while I don't think much of him either, is an old hand and far more seasoned with decades of experience in this very small pond and he wasn't talking either, because he knows how delicate and dangerous something like this is. But unlike Logan, with DC I think their consternation would be more about their looking foolish for laying it on the line for the wrong guy. In the end they are glorified fans. They were going to the wall on Muhney, like Miller, until Logan stepped in.

The truth is that the soap press covers up a lot of stuff - we can say it's about ego in the case of the amateurs, or about politics, or about being prudent and respectful to people in a very delicate and painful situation. If it is for real, I think it's a shame that it came out in this way with the name of the victim in the spotlight in a social media age. But if it is for real Muhney should absolutely be pilloried in the press, and if DC has any credibility left they would help lead the charge.

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