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Another Y&R actor out??

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Well, damn. What a pervert. And for those saying sources shouldn't leak this out of respect for Hunter King? I *highly* doubt Hunter is the one who is desperate to keep this quiet. In fact, I would be willing to bet that she'd love to scream it from the mountain tops and expose him for the pig he is - which may prevent further young actresses from being assaulted by him down the line. So for those implying that we should keep hush hush on this predator, please pack your [!@#$%^&*] and make your exit quietly.

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If this is true and I can definitely buy it, I still think it was incredibly irresponsible for anyone to mention the actress's name. That should have been left anonymous.

It would have leaked sooner or later knowing soaps, but you don't want to be the one to do it. Not to the alleged victim. If she wants to speak on it she can and should, but that shouldn't be left up to soap twitter and forums. Too late now, sadly.

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At the end of the day, I think it all rests on how Hunter feels about it. And like I said, I'm willing to bet she is not upset that this is out. If she is, then it's unfortunate. But MM definitely deserved to be exposed. Not to mention, if the story leaked as "MM assaults young actress on set!" - people would have put two and two together. Who else would it have been?

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If it's true, then yes, he should be named and shamed. There's any number of people in daytime who do a lot of [!@#$%^&*] who aren't named, and I'm not sure the old soap press would ever have broken this themselves. I can remember a couple old stories nobody touched in the last ten to fifteen years outside of a few weak tea blind items that they should have, but instead they kept printing happy talk.

But that's not the same thing as naming the actress. That, IMO, was a breach of her privacy. Speaking on that is down to her.

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