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GH50: December 2013 Discussion

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I liked Maxie/Robin for the most part. I just laugh everytime Sonny tries to be like a mobster anymore. I just don't buy it, I also don't buy Julian as a mobster.

Ugh at Heather on the loose AGAIN. How on earth is this even possible? I love Robin Mattson but this is ridiculous.

And then you had FrankenTodd whining about his daddy issues today and how Scotty rejected him. God he sounds like a teenager. Are all they going to do is have sex and then have Heather go after Carly? Zzzzz .... can Carly have some purpose again please? Where's her drive? Why is she just so ... there. I mean, don't get me wrong, the decade this character spent hogging airtime I'm so glad they've toned her down and moved her away from being a screaming banshee in everyone's faces, but seriously, she's soooo boring. I still gladly admit RH and LW have great chemistry but I will just never buy their relationship. I really am trying.

It was nice seeing AJ. Please tell me he doesn't get on the stand and insists he's guilty? I hope he's stronger than that and fights for himself because all woe is AJ is bugging me. And Michael is SOOOOOOOOO much more tolerable as AJ's son. I love how he shut Sonny down and stood by AJ.

And I think for the first time ever I didn't hate Kaka! I actually didn't mind her and Ava only because I think Kristen Alderson plays bitchy a lot better (although she's still a weak actress) than this heroine Carlivati wants her to be and play. Starr didn't work as the teenaged heroine and neither does Kaka.

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Him being torn is absolutely ridiculous, everyone knows it. I know they want the drama for another week or so but NO ONE believes he's torn. Even Sabrina obviously knows he isn't. I will give them credit for not writing her as a total doormat running back with him, although I know they're trying to make her seem sooooo goood and woooonderful about this. Yuck.

And I see she's wearing her nerd glasses again (in the previews for Monday. Her face is priceless when Robin asks for help getting her husband back, LOL. I'm sure it's out of context in a way but LMAO). Has she worn them since the Nurse's Ball? I can't remember because I really avoid her scenes a lot of the time.

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There are not many places you can go with FrankenTodd and Francly. They messed up the story and then they DeQ'd him. That was a mistake. Now, he's simply at the hotel to service Carly's booty calls. moRon said he wanted to give FrankenTodd parents that were onscreen, [get rid of the Qs] so he chose 2 non contract players? How does that make sense? Carly has options, but Crappy will not let go of Francly unless Roger finds that better job he's seeking and leaves. I absolutey love LW/RH together, and they belong together onscreen, but I just don't see a way out of this, especially since FrankenTodd is boxed into a very tight corner.

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Ava has like the worst sense of style. I have to say I loved how she was getting under Sonny's skin. If she wasn't played by Mumbles West, I might be inclined to like her

I keep forgetting AJ is on the show until he pops up. He looked very refreshed; better than he has in months. Jail has done him well

Sorry, Chit but I like Carlos. Dang with Patrick threatening him, it looks like he will get setup for his murder

Robin telling Maxie that Maxie is stronger than her. Girl, don't lie to her

Oh KricKrack, STFU. She isn't speaking to Ava, so WTF does she care what she does?

Heather going after her son's gf is nowhere near as entertaining now as it was the first time they wrote this story

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you're bating though. Don't try and act like you aren't. You did something like this last week or the week before. That post about ratings was so random, but I guess my biggest mistake was giving it any attention. Next,

Im sure you will. Don't be too hard on him...lol.

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