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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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A recast is not necessary because if Robert were crucial to any story 4 MONTHS DOWN THE ROAD, lock him into a 6 month contract. But as Vee has said, Craptini are way too arrogant and assumed that TR would have no other employment, so he will be there waiting should this story come to fruition! The time, energy and money put into procuring the LV3 was ridiculous, but there is no money to hold onto someone so instrumental to February Sweeps? GMAFB! I don't even care about TR and care even less about Robert Scorpio, but these mofos are insane!

Robert probably had 2 or 3 eppies for the entire month of February.

Great minds smile.png

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JFP did that and she was a [!@#$%^&*] idiot. Also, they fired Sandra Ferguson shortly thereafter and IIRC, brought Kristina back briefly later on. Ron and Frank do a lot of things, but they'd never recast Scorpio.

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I can't believe people think they'd recast Robert. I assume they will probably kill him off. I think Ron respects (ugh, I'm defending him) the vets, (well, uses them as shiny distractions), and wouldn't recast. But at the end of the day you can never say never and if Frank/Ron are THAT bitter, who knows? I think it would be an absolute waste and a dumb move to recast him.

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She got up to some stupid stuff but I can't remember anything really nuts until they brought in Kirsten Storms. That character was a mess for quite awhile even after Kirsten IIRC, until they put her with Spinelli, Kate, etc. Then she started getting screwball comedienne stuff and stopped just being the go-to dumb slut - sorry, but that's what they wrote.

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