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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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She wasn't 18 and even if she was why should her having an abortion be used against her? It is her legal right, she was a teenager. I'd hate that angle or slut shaming Maxie by bringing up her party girl crimson days.

Maxie and Lulu honestly should be in an all out war though. They have so much [!@#$%^&*] on each other to bring out and use. Maxie going after lucky, selling drugs, etc. lulu' mental stability, family history, her father killing her nephew cuz he's a drunk and they all still let him come around. They have legit issues to pull out here.

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That's too many crazies on one show at one time. Ron loves his crazy people, but really? You have Heather. Then you have spec that Ava is going to go all psycho on Silas and Sam. Then you have Franco who may develop psychosis at any moment. Then you add Lulu having a breakdown? No. Just no.

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Look, I'm trying to give this Julian/Alexis thing a chance, I am, especially in the rare instances when NLG isn't playing it like a flustered adolescent. I think she can work with the right pairing and the right take on Alexis, and I think this is a decent shot and they have some chemistry when she's not being awkward and he's not being weird. But when Bill deVry keeps wandering around in his briefs, giving it a whole Michael Cambias skeeze that's unnecessary, and calling Nancy Lee Grahn "ripe for the tasting" it's very difficult for me not to grimace.

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It's very Cambias. All he needed to do was some sort of Hannibal Lecter tongue thing on that line.

I think they're nuking Julian to try and salvage Ava for a bit longer, but I think that's why they hired deVry to begin with, really - trading on his menace as Michael Cambias, to have him be the heavy. I think they have some chemistry, him and Nancy, but ooofff.

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I see that my hilarious and uproarious post about how having sex with Spinelli should be considered a crime did not show up.

As for Rogers - good for him. How long will it take before we see wall-to-wall bashing of Tristan for being "ungrateful" and mocking him for going to a failure instead of staying at the best product in the history of entertainment?

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