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But still John is trying to make the effect. Puts Kevin in a bad light.

And now that I've gone about my day some and seen the preview for next week, I wonder if what goes down at the party is that Richie is going to go there, see Kevin and John, and just drops the affair bombshell...thus in order for Kevin to save his relationship with John, he has to move back to Seattle.

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We just don't know a lot about the John/Kevin relationship, so we will never know what is going on.

I don't think that's the case. That's far too dramatic for a show as slow moving as Looking.

I think Kevin is going to go back to Seattle because it is too painful for him to be around Patrick. We saw in the past episode that his video game launched (to rave success), he could have fulfilled his contract with his job. The gaming industry is pretty sporadic like that. Patrick is supposed to have a breakdown next episode. So I think the drama with Kevin will be a factor.

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Well, season 1 was slow as well...until the back set of episodes.

And guess where we are at right now? ;)

However, I can see your theory working as well.

Exactly!!! I loved that the writers finally gave a hit at John/Kevin's relationship. But of course by opening that can of worms it begs more questions...which I think is interesting given the information given about Kevin's backstory so far as well as the debate here over if Kevin is predator or just a misunderstood guy into his own feelings.

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And they saved most of the good stuff for the last two episodes then, and momentum really started at the halfway point. which is why I said now that we are at the halfway point and I suspect that they will start to move a little (just a little) faster.

God, I hope they renew...I know I relate to all of this too much.

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I think I've finally understood why I don't like Richie. The way they write him is whiter than white. He has no flaws or inner conflict, and he is just this shiny ethnic magical latino that seems to instantly solve all of Patrick's problems, which makes him stick out like a sore thumb in the pantheon of characters that are changing, stumbling and making mistakes. He's for all intensive purposes "perfect" but that just further makes him bland.

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Richie is portrayed as Mr Can Do No Wrong but at the same time the actor is very good at portraying that and it comes off as he's just a good guy trying to survive.

I loved his cousin calling out Patrick and him also trying to tell her to stuff it. Is this Episode 5 or 6? This season is flying by...I truly hope its renewed because it's getting so good.

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Yes but that can only go so far in drama. Take Agustin, I am actually liking him a lot more this season, but that is mostly because he was such a hot mess last season that the change, growth and stretch of him as a character is compelling to watch. Add in Eddie and you pretty much have a revitalized character who is surprisingly more interesting because of the changes he has gone threw. I'm not saying that you have to go full on Girls unlikability, but they really are doing Ritchie no favors by making him perfect, and him being a Jimminey Cricket teacher upon Patrick's shoulder guiding him threw life doesn't do much for their relationship either, in my opinion. It's almost infantilizing.

Edited by Skin
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See? I thought it was a great episode with all the character beats. Love the brief moments between Pat and Kev and Pat and Rich.

Of course, I'm coming off a weekend with a similar party involving someone I apparently need to have a sit-down with about our growing feelings so I might be a little bias. wink.png

ETA: And YESSSSSSSSSS at Auggie being the ride-or-die friend for Patrick. It was the first time I've cheered him on when he was anti-Kevin. I have been that friend waaaaay too many times.

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The last 10 minutes were very annoying and awkward. They're making John out to be a complete and utter idiot/fool. Anyone with half a brain could tell something inappropriate had happened between their boyfriend and Patrick.Esp after that ridiculous speech and the scene outside at the stairs. It was just very unrealistic IMO.

And while I did like Augustin and Dom rescuing Patrick from a very embarassing moment, I feel like it robbed the show of some much needed drama or climax. All this build up and yet nothing....

And even then it was a very rushed and predictable. Eddie brings over random guy to try and data Patrick. Patrick of course being selfish and a grade a douche is not interested at all. Then later he attempts to kiss the guy and is rejected. So now he's frustrated and the karoke machine is not even a hit so he explodes. It was all a little hectic. And nothing really big happened.

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