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Y&R September Discussion

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So I haven't been on the discussion threads in awhile, so I'm sure I'm asking a question that's been covered. But here goes...

WTF is the deal with Sharon? All of a sudden, years after her and Nick divorced, they are "meant to be"?!? We're supposed to believe that she's felt this way the entire time? And she's kept this paternity secret for how long???

I hate this story. Hate it. I'm still watching YR a couple times a week for some reason...

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I often watch that ABC cop show, Rookie Blue. I know a lot of people make fun of certain aspects of the show (believe me, I know) but I would appreciate it, if Y&R took as much interest in building Sharon as Rookie Blue did with their bi-polar character. It honestly didn't seem to take that much to do.

Sharon's bi-polar story gives the impression that the writers/producers don't actually know what bi-polar is.

I say, Y&R should just give Sharon a brain tumor, operate, remove it and call it a day. The talking to ghost Cassie is a waste of time and talent and insults people's intelligence. I fell away from watching this show. again.

Let me know when they next show Mason in a towel. I may watch then.

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They've went down the brain tumor road before with Jana, didn't they? IA though, they botched Sharon's redemption with this bi polar crap. It's quite obvious to me they aren't invested it, and will roll it out as needed when Sharon goes bat [!@#$%^&*] again. Yawn.

Redemption could have been as easy as a mental break, not something chronic, then send her off screen for a few months. The character is prolly played out at this point.

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I think Sharon's story is ridiculous, even more so by having her dead daughter appear as an evil angel guiding her reckless decisions. On another note, is this show planning to hook up Kevin Fisher and Alex Chavez? I understand bromances and everything, but they were almost a little too cozy the other day.

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