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That's true that he has no story without them. I think he knows that if they ever break up Lane for an extended period of time, he is as good as gone. Can anyone see them putting Cane with any other daughter of a core family besides Lily? I sure can't...but that doesn't stop me from hoping Victoria is his next pairing...he would be just the kind of guy that VIctor would call a gold digging con...at least he would be justified in being against the pairing, unlike with Billy.

I thought that Kay's will made perfect sense storyline wise. You have to give people a reason to fight and argue...this is an umbrella story.

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My thoughts about Katherine (JFP's) will reading:

First of all I think JFP overthought it. She said in interviews that it had to have a huge impact... Well, there's the kind of huge impact that makes sense and there is the kind of huge impact that makes no sense.

I don't think Katherine would have demonstrated favoritism among her grandchildren, ie Devon getting more than Mac (and her child)... Devon getting more than Phillip IV. For that matter -- Devon getting more than Brock. Makes no sense, even though we all know Brock did not care for material things and money.

When Katherine was presumed dead and her will was read, it was equitable. I don't believe Katherine would have been unfair in her last days. Unless they are going to contest the will later on down the line...

Secondly, I don't think Katherine would have left that huge estate to Jill w/o also leaving a way for Jill to pay for the upkeep. Why the $2.45 billion dollar wonderboy did not say to Jill "I will over the cost of the upkeep for the estate" I do not know.

I give JFP's interpretation of Katherine's will an F.

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Here's my question: who got Kay's jewellery?!

And I didn't understand why Jill was upset about the upkeep on the mansion, doesn't she still have her Fenmore millions and 20% of Jabot? Did the writers forger that Jill's rich?

It was just a stupid turn of events, particularly related to Devon taking the lion's share of the estate, which we can already see playing out with Hilary.

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Exactly! Most of Kay's family didn't care about money so I don't understanding the reasoning behind giving Devon an oversized portion. Brock uses money to help others. Didn't she leave his portion to his foundation last time? What's Devon going to do with the money that the others aren't?

What's different about Devon? Devon had a hard early life, but then so did Mac, and so did Philip III, courtesy of Kay killing his father. Who knows what Brock went through, his father Gary had to bring him to Europe with him, meanwhile Kay was drinking and sleeping with Arthur Hendricks. Kay never cared about Brock in the early years, she used him to control Jill, then she was focused on getting control of Phillip 3 and grooming him to run CI. She didn't even ask Brock.

Katherine Chancellor had a rich 40 year history to pull from but they focused on only her last couple of years...the messed up family MAB created.

I suppose they still have a chance to get it right with Jill, but sometimes I get the feeling Victor will get CI, or maybe Dylan (If the rule is the last family member discovered get's the $$$ like with Devon). If Jill doesn't get CI I don't know what's left. I don't see how Kay going to teach Jill anything about love or life since she couldn't even be fair in the end when she knew she was dying.

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The last time Katherine was presumed dead, she left her jewelry to Nikki. When she was proven to be alive, Nikki tried to give the jewelry back to her and Katherine told her to keep it.

I disagree about the upkeep of the estate. I don't think Jill should have incurred a financial expense with Katherine's passing.

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I thought so too but Jill doesn't seem to know it, so either she's spent all her money or has forgotten to look at her financial statements for awhile. Jill hasn't had a story in years so we have no idea of her status. She's a collection of dropped storylines. One minute she's working with Lauren, the next at Jabot, and then at CI with no explanation. We never see her quit, months will go by and she'll pop up doing something new.

Jill and Ester can't keep up that mansion and grounds on $200,000 a year. If Jill has no money & they can't sell it, they will have to burn the furniture to keep that place warm this winter, just like in Dr. Zhivago.tongue.png

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Well then Nikki's got some piss poor styling because she hasn't busted out a single one of Kay's rocks in the years since.

The problem with all of this is that the characterization of Katherine changed so radically after that hack bitch from the depths of hell LML and MAB as they made her some sort of "business tycoon, sage counsel, town grandmother"...when we'd had 30 years of "alcoholic, scheming, vulnerable, tortured, icy, bitch"...these 7 or 8 years really rewrote Katherine's legacy, for the worse. It was evident that 90% of the flashback clips used to cover her death have been from the LML/MAB days...which displayed a very, very different Katherine from the character most of us loved.

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Gosh, that is so true.

Jill lost her money at some point during the early MAB years with some Cayman Islands bank collapse, but struck it rich again with the Fenmore fortune, nothing has happened since then. The business storylines on this show are such a bad joke and they used to be the thing that set Y&R apart from the rest.

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OK. First off all, old school YR fans that saw the cult story, is it possible that Nikki could've sired a child & left town? I already think this retcon is stupid.

Second, that will was bull s*it. I hate that pointless characters like Kevin or Cane faired better than Jill. After a crap funeral and now will reading, they've done Katherine's legacy no justice.

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