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GH50: September 2013 DIscussion

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I still don't understand why this show doesn't acknowledge that Jax raised Morgan. For all intents and purposes that house was his home and Jax was as much his dad as Sonny. I get the abandonment issues, but at some point you have to discuss the family life Carly and Jax had, wherein Morgan figured heavily. Basically they should just rehire Ingo Rademacher as per his regular availability, but they're not gonna do that.

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I'd love to see Ingo too, except I have no faith that if he showed up, he'd be doing anything or interacting with the characters he should be, in a way that he should be. But I guess I'm as guilty as anyone (now) of just accepting what I have to if I want to like the story. Morgan went from being someone I would point and laugh at to being one of my favorite characters on the show over the last week. I don't care that all the circumstances were contrived and forced to make that happen. Just going with it. Ava seems to have that effect on all the characters for me. Julian is dull in scenes with Sam and Alexis IMO. But on fire with Ava. Sonny and Ava. Carly and Ava. Tanko and Ava. Even Sam was sharper and more interesting snarking with Ava.

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I'd certainly take Ava over Connie, but I guess that really doesn't say much. Maura barely needs a script because she knows what to do and how to do it. I just hate her facial movements (those she's still able to make). We certainly traded up here! I'm super happy that Morgan's emotional blackmail didn't work against Carly yesterday, but I am going to bathe in my joy of his destruction of Sonny! I'm also glad that Morgan seems to understand what is going on. Of course, he's in over his head, but he's not being written as if this is too much for him. He's going to enjoy it, and if he gets to stick it to Sonny (and Carly to some degree) so beit! I can live with all of it smile.png

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Which is the problem with the story, yes. He was abandoned by Sonny and Carly, et al after being sent off to school, but for years before that, while he may have been on the outside of part of their family, he was right there with Carly, Jax, Michael, Kristina and Molly. Yet they give him no scenes with either Molly or Jax because they don't know how to square that part of the emotional equation. It's simpler to just say "Morgan was abandoned by his family," and he was in a way, but that's not the whole story. He should be drunk dialing Jax right now and crying into his cummerbund.

Maura West is doing a great job, even if her performance is straight up "my DVR has nothing but Turner Classic Movies," but my only concern is how many characters will have to be torched to keep Ava around as long as possible. I enjoy Ava, but not at the expense of oh, say, A.J. Sooner or later she has to go down. You can run with her a long time but don't lose sight of the people who will be there after.

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Well, I wouldn't blame Ava for anything that happens to AJ. JMO. I think Ron became disengaged with that character before Ava even showed up. It's like he was just some kind of filler until they got their prize peeps back. And I agree. Sooner or Later Ava will go down. Maybe they won't kill her off though. Ron can pull almost anything out of his ass and call it an explanation. Why can't it work for Ava. She has a tumor. She's working under cover. She's DID. So far the only exit I would attribute directly to MW is Kelly Sullivan.

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I have to agree with this.

Unfortunately, I think the wheels are turning in Craptini's head on how to keep Ava. I have no confidence that AJ is long for this world. He's in the middle of a murder scandal that has been on pause for 2 solid weeks. This is what everyone in town should be talking about - not giving 2 [!@#$%^&*] about what's up with Ava and Kaka.

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