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Big Brother (Live Feeds/Other Spoilers)

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Aaryn is just pathetic. She had the chance to really turn public opinion of herself around, multiple times, and never did. Now even at the end, she is more concerned with helping Amanda and McCrae and ratting everyone out to them, including her supposed friend GM. She is spiteful and worthless. When I think about the opportunities she had with her HOH wins, and how some of my favorites over the years never had that chance, I get way too irritated.

Elissa tried to go out more today (Amanda has stopped her silly campaign). She and McCrae talked and he told her about some of the reasons he disliked her (when she accused him and Andy of disrespecting her religion, her fight with various people the day before Helen left, etc.). She apologized for some of that. When he went back to Amanda he lied that she didn't apologize and he essentially called her Eva Braun. He believes she (and Helen) sell propaganda, like her repeatedly saying she's a mother.

Amanda told people not to socialize with Elissa, but most of the house is tired of this and are doing what they want (although Andy did hilariously scurry away from Elissa as he was worried Amanda would see him). Amanda just talked to her in the kitchen, so I guess they will be thawing soon. Amanda told McCrae that she thinks Judd is the one who figured out they wanted GM up, as she thinks Elissa is too dumb (it's the reverse), so she is already pushing for Judd to go next week.

As time has passed, Spencer has basically become Andy's #1 in the house. He doesn't tell him everything, but he now tells him more than he tells Amanda and McCrae. He and Spencer are basically in the middle of this "Exterminators" alliance. Andy still seems to want to keep Amanda and McCrae around (he tried to convince Judd to target Elissa first), but I think he's starting to wonder about his options. He hasn't told Amanda and McCrae about this alliance yet, which has surprised me. He and Spencer want to throw the HOH. Spencer says he will throw it if Judd or McCrae are left. Spencer is tired of Amanda and would be happy if she left.

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I still think Aaryn had amazing game instincts -- she just lacked timing. She turned her game around completely in a way we have never seen before and went from huge target to part of the majority alliance. She missed her chance to make a move last week. She stayed loyal for one week too long, and now she is about to pay for it. It sucks because I want Andy to go, but it is what it is.

She is not someone who will be invited back to All-Stars, which is a shame. I think with a few years to mature she could really wow us. Really she reminds me so much of Daniele Donato. I hated her so much in BB8 but she grew up by BB13 and I loved her... I could love Aaryn too but she was green here.

I still think Aaryn had amazing game instincts -- she just lacked timing. She turned her game around completely in a way we have never seen before and went from huge target to part of the majority alliance. She missed her chance to make a move last week. She stayed loyal for one week too long, and now she is about to pay for it. It sucks because I want Andy to go, but it is what it is.

She is not someone who will be invited back to All-Stars, which is a shame. I think with a few years to mature she could really wow us. Really she reminds me so much of Daniele Donato. I hated her so much in BB8 but she grew up by BB13 and I loved her... I could love Aaryn too but she was green here.

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I said ages ago, I don't know if it was this message board or another, that this season reminded me of BB10. The women ran the show in that season early on and then foolishly turned on themselves too soon leading to woman after woman leaving. And now my prediction is panning out and the men are about to regain the majority. Elissa knew all along that Candice and Jessie should not go. I guess I have to blame Helen for this lame ass final 7 we are about to have.

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I think the women may still dominate this one. I won't be too shocked if we get some finale with Elissa/GM or Amanda/Elissa. Depends on who goes next week. I think the women began targeting each other because they thought they'd gotten the male threats out, but then they overdid it. It's a weird season in some ways, because McCrae is the typical BB winner (boring white guy who is laid-back), but I don't think he will win unless he is against someone like Andy.

I agree Aaryn had good instincts, and last week she did want to backdoor Amanda before she was shut down, but ultimately her love/hate relationship with Amanda seemed to sway her too much. Even now, she isn't telling everything she knows because of that. I saw that conversation with Elissa earlier today where Elissa just flat out said she was lying. I want Aaryn to just spill everything.

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No nonsense Elissa calling your a-- out in 90 seconds or less in the past 24 hours has been great...

[Elissa, Gina Marie, Aaryn talking]

Elissa: You tried to get me to nominate Gina Marie so she would be evicted over you.

Aaryn: No I didn't.

Elissa: Stop lying. Spencer was in the room when you did it. Go get him so we can clear this up.

[Aaryn quickly changes the subject]


The Andy call out concerning Gina Marie was even better.

Aaryn could have gotten Spencer to turn on Amanda last week if she wanted to. She's satisfied being Amanda's puppet. She could be destroying Andy, right now, and therefore McCranda but she isn't doing it even with her life on the line.

It went from 6 to 3 to 3 to 4. I'm hoping Gina/Judd/Elissa are more real than Judd/Gina + the two floaters.

Andy and Spencer will throw the next HoH. and float to power

Judd, GM, (<-- that will keep them and Elissa safe) Amanda, McCrae (<-- that will keep them, Andy and Spencer safe) will try their best.

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I can't stand Andy's pathetic ass in this game. I used to say he was at least playing but frankly, he's pathetic right now and so is Aaryn. Both of them should be blowing up McCranda but they aren't. And McCrae needs to sit down (he hasn't won a comp since Night 1, right? LOL, besides the Have/HaveNot comps). I can't wait for this cast to see the reactions to them. I think the ones they think they sent out were hated but in reality ... This season started off so promising too with the overthrow of the MC (frankly, I'd take Nick and Jeremy and Kaitlin back over GinaMarie, Spencer and Andy). And I was so relieved to see them voted out at the time.

I blame Helen too for the shitty F7. She had so much support and totally squandered it. Stupid. (Edit: She WOULD have if she actually did something about the people who would have followed her: Jessie/Candice).

I never want to hear "vote with the house" again. I also blame Amanda's insane paranoia and arrogance. If her personality were better folks might actually root for her to take out the stupid people who aren't going against her.

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I also can't stand Spencer's lying ass and wish he'd pick a side. Why these people want to trust him is hilarious. I really worry about him suddenly in the F2 and winning.

I also love that the ZingBot called Andy a floater. <3 I love how he scurries like the rat that he is. I really wish they'd blindside him and vote him out.

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Apparently either the DR shamed them or Elissa shamed them because people in the house are now starting to clean more often and McCrae is showering more often and wearing clean clothes.

McCrae is trying to make a boys alliance, but I'm not sure they will include Judd. I think it's called "No Ma'am."

One of the more popular BB twitters, Miss Cleo, is saying that Amanda's family has called the FBI because they're being harassed.

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So last night Aaryn continued her campaign of alienating votes (admittedly most of them weren't voting for her, but still) by lying to Amanda that Elissa had said she [Elissa] had a crush on Judd (what Elissa had actually said was that she thought he was the most attractive guy this season, or most attractive with Howard - I 100% agree there, and seeing him in his underwear earlier today just confirmed it for me...)..

Aaryn asked Amanda not to tell Elissa, but Amanda ran to tell her. Elissa was bemused and took it well, instead of going "Ew" or, "I'm a married woman, how dare you," or any of the reaction Amanda likely wanted. She joked about it, good-naturedly, saying things like she, Judd, and her husband will move to Canada or Utah, that she asked production to bring him back because she's in love with him, that his middle name is Brent (her husband's name). She made an unpleasant situation less awkward.

Amanda told McCrae she did this to make Elissa and Judd less likely to work together. I don't believe that was her reason (I think she just wanted to stir up [!@#$%^&*]), but I hope it doesn't work. Judd was VERY angry, although he didn't say very much. He knew what Aaryn and Amanda were doing. His flirting with Aaryn is now likely over. I just hope he won't feel like he has to avoid her (or avoid her more than he already does) because of public image, or her being married, or game reasons. I liked their friendship.

He did tell GM after this that he would hate to see Elissa go (if Amanda or McCrae win next week - he and GM were telling each other/BSing/what have you that they'd vote for the other to stay), and they both want to keep her around if they can.

This was after some beer pong game, led by Amanda in Helen-style, rationing and dominating. Amanda annoyed the hell out of everyone. She was upset because Elissa drank wine when Amanda hadn't given her permission. This led to the Judd crush confession, and later, she went on a retread (Andy mostly joining in, the others sometimes agreeing) about how Elissa has cheated in all the comps.

Aaryn told McCrae and Amanda she wouldn't get their jury votes if they got rid of her. (does that ever work?) She said Andy will likely never be nominated again. She also told them that Spencer wanted to put them up. They confronted Spencer and he called her a liar and she told him to go [!@#$%^&*] himself. Amanda believes her and wants to keep her. McCrae doesn't. For now, Amanda is deferring to him. We'll see.

Judd keeps trying to get the Exterminators to vote McCrae out before Amanda (GM is the only one who seems to agree). Of course they have to win an HOH and nominate them first, but if that happens, the fight will be interesting. I'd get rid of Amanda, because of production and her bond with Elissa, but I guess Judd sees McCrae as more dangerous.

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I think Amanda has a good chance of winning because she's a good talker, but I hadn't thought of what you mentioned.

I have to admit I have always sort of liked parts of the relationship between Judd and Aaryn - I like that it makes him a little bad and makes her a little, well, vulnerable. But it never goes right. I wish she'd spilled everything to him as soon as he came back. She would have been nominated no matter what, but she and Elissa might have had a good talk with him as mediator. If either of them wanted that, which is questionable.

It's kind of funny that Judd has had no real "showmance" but has had the biggest collection of quasi-relationships or house talk about women. Someone will probably start in about GM/Judd if they both stay around a few more weeks.

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IDK. Depending on the man in the finals, if say Amanda/Andy, I can see the women giving Amanda their votes, honestly, even with Amanda's domineering and bitchy personality. If it's Judd/Amanda, I'd say Judd wins, clearly. But stranger things have happened. We could all be wrong and Amanda wins in a landslide 9-0 vote (which I personally don't believe is going to be at all possible for her; just saying ...).

But yeah, Amanda's arrogance will probably end up doing her in. I can already see her smug self at the end (ugh), the way she handles herself in the game is exactly how she'll handle herself at the end, if she gets there.

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