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The Taylor Swift Thread


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To me, this is a situation where the person who screams the loudest gets heard by the most people, especially if it's on social media where things can snowball. 


Taylor, for some reason, wasn't really upset about the "me and Taylor might have sex" lyric.  When we heard them talking about that line, we don't know the context of their conversation, we don't know what was said before and after, so don't know what the initial pitch was.  Was the tone of the song changed?  Maybe. Even it was, I do think Taylor should've said no (no pun intended) to that line.  It's gross either way.   That wasn't the line she was most upset about.


She was most upset about the line "I made that bitch famous" - which we don't see it being discussed.  And that was what her Grammy speech was about.   That's also very telling about her psyche, which I've always found interesting. 


Taylor never denied talking about the song, or talking about the "me and Taylor might have sex" lyric.  There's a perception out there that she did that, but it's false. 


That footage is heavily edited and I do think context matters a lot.  Just sharing pieces here and there to prove your point is wrong, IMO, so is taping someone without their knowledge.  That's a serious violation.  But since small pieces are out there, I would love hear the entire conversation. 


Will this hurt Taylor is in the long run? I doubt it. It's just a "celebrity feud" that the majority of people don't give a crap about. The people who hate her or love her will continue their ways. 



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I wasn't a big fan of her, but I felt that she fought hard to win respect in the last few years that even I had to take notice.


And this? Just damages her for me on top of her dating drama. And if she goes after them, it will only make her look worse in the court of public opinion I believe.

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Now that the trial is over (yay that she won and I'm very proud of her), TS6 is definitely coming! Rumours have it that she'll be on Good Morning America on August 31.....which is 13 days away, and 31 is the reverse of 13. lol 



Typically, singles/albums are released on Friday's now due to Billboard's tracking.  So my guess is that she'll tease the new single on GMA, then release the single at midnight Friday, September 1.



At least, that's what I hope. I hope she doesn't just drop the entire album. I want her to stick with what's worked - doing tons of promotion and releasing the album in late October.  



Also, rumours of her first single/video will have to do with "time"/ a clock......though rumours about her music are usually wrong. 



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What does it mean??? This is really great marketing.





I somehow doubt she'd release the entire thing at once. She's very popular and all, but I think promoting it well and allowing the single to succeed first has worked nicely for her.


The strongest rumor so far is that it's called "Timeless."

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Who knows, she could just go the Beyonce route and revert back to being an "albums artist" as opposed to a "singles artist."


Either way, at least she's building anticipation for her product. I hope she stretches herself with this project artistically, but maintain her pop appeal at the same time. 

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And Us Weekly (which to me is a semi-tabloid, so I can't totally believe what they're saying) is exclusively reporting that the new single will drop on the 25th.   Yeah, I heard about "Timeless."   Jason Lipshutz, an editor at Billboard, wrote "Timeless" on his twitter today - that tweet was deleted.  


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I think I might have to wait for album 7 before I get my "pop-rock" Taylor.  I just hope I won't have to wait until album 8 or 9!  During the 1989 Tour, WANEGBT and IKYWT were played as rock songs, and I'm wondering why she did that.  Maybe she'll surprise me, and everyone, if she immediately goes rock with album 6.  Nah...I doubt that.  LOL

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It's happening! 


The song is being released 'tomorrow night' 



And this looks to be the album cover. "Reputation" is a great title, considering what's been going on with her public image the past couple of years.



And it's out November 10!



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Love the album title and cover!! Nobody guessed "Reputation" as a title.  That album cover is dark and edgy (it's so different from Taylor's bright colours)......could I be getting my rock album already?  LOL  And it looks like the first single is a whopping 8:47 long! If that's true, there will probably be a radio edit because no way a song that long will play on the radio.  November 10 is way later than I expected.  Wonder why it wasn't a late October release. 

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Fearless DID come out November 11th, 2008.

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I have a lot to say right now, but some of you won't like all of it, and I don't feel like getting shanked by a hardcore group of Swifties right now, so I'll just focus on the music for now, and hope it's really good. I'll leave whatever rage I may have for later on.   

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A group? Pretty sure I'm the only hardcore fan here. lol.  I've never been unreasonable when it came to a rebuttal, if defending her is needed. I just ignore the un-objective venomous stuff. 😉  Plus, I already know how you feel

about her, so it's not going to shock me or make me want to shank you. lol. I'm all for a healthy debate about her music. 😄

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