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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I don't blame Nelson. These shows had nothing but positive support and then silly, poorly planned move has created chaos. It's always hard to recover from a PR nightmare. They just need to hire someone better to handle their PR and promotion.

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I never really trusted Prospect Park (I mainly didn't trust Kwatinetz), but what I was really skeptical about was their initial plan to do 2 1-hr shows 5 days a week. I didn't think that was doable for a company that had never done soaps before and probably wasn't a good model for an Internet soap, at least initially. They actually started with 2 shows 30 minutes each 4 days a week. Now they're down to 2 days each for each show. I believe like a lot of others that the real issue is that they couldn't keep up production-wise and they rushed things. If the reduced schedule will get them back on track and give them time to breathe, I can accept that in spite of my animosity towards PP. If only they had come right out and admitted it was because of production issues. I still don't fully trust these guys and I think they're constantly tripping over their own feet.

I'll confess, I've only watched the first episode of AMC. I don't typically watch shows on the Internet and 4 days a week was a bit intimidating, so I completely fell behind after the premiere. So cutting back to 2 days a week actually might work for me and be more convenient.

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*shaking head at this thread* Vultures love a fresh kill, even when the bitch ain't dead.

But anyway, I don't quite understand the sense of finality and past tense going around. They've made this decision three weeks into the venture, but I feel as if they can reverse it three weeks from now.

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It's all about perception. If you make a decision like this then people are going to be confused and disappointed. It's one thing having Peyton Place going from 2 to 3 episodes, but when it went from 3 to 2 and then 1 episode per week you knew the writing was on the wall. This is more in line with something like that. They should've planned a hiatus and when the shows returned (say a month or two later) they could re-launch with better public awareness and without it looking like a sudden move, which signals disappointment. Just judging by the mess with FX Canada, we know this wasn't a well thought out idea.

I also wonder what this would mean for international sales for these shows.

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Losing a tv deal with guaranteed money and gaining a spot on iTunes is not a positive thing. They shouldn't be so worried about how things start out. Let these shows grow and develop, then people will find them later, hence the whole purpose of streaming. Then they could focus on selling the show internationally. I don't understand how they came up with any kind of data in two weeks of airing. That is nothing in a soap landscape. That doesn't even give the stories enough time to cook.

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Because they have been filming since feb & are having issues with getting the episodes they need in the can. So my guess they looked at the viewing habits and saw fans on average watch two days a week. So they decided airing each show twice a week will also allow them to catch up on the production side.

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