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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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The thing is they should have figured out what works out best for them and the audience a little sooner. I don't get how two 25 min. episodes of AMC/OLTL per week can be a good thing for someone who loves soaps.

PP is a company. Why should I act like a cult member?? I can love and respect the shows and still have my opinion about things.

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I feel like some people are saying most moronic things. Why would pp buy these and sink all this money for the goodness of the fans? Isn't that part of any business to make profit HELLO do I need to talk to someone with a brain cell here. We should be freaking grateful nobody would have touched these soaps with a ten foot pole. Instead of complaining support it and the actors. Also in anything new u have to tinker with things find things that are working and things that are not.

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People are morons because you don't like what they have to say? The names you could have been called for comparing the loss of 2 soaps to 911 are exponential, but no one went there. Try to be a bit more respectful of other people's opinions. Thanks :)

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We can support and express our opinions at the same time. Acting like PP saved our lives in a fire and we can never say anything negative is INSANE.

We should remember "supporting the actors" anytime we demand that someone we don't like gets fired lol.

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Because they have been sloppy and unprofessional in handling these shows from day one; and at some point, somebody has to stop making excuses for them. I wanted AMC and OLTL back, but more than that, I wanted them brought back by people who knew what the !@#$%^&*] they were doing and not treating the whole enterprise like some keg party.

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I also don't like that the actors are basically having to spin this crap cause PP can't seem to be honest with their viewers. I admire the actor's loyalty alot. I just hope it isn't misplaced in the long run

I also don't like that the actors are basically having to spin this crap cause PP can't seem to be honest with their viewers. I admire the actor's loyalty alot. I just hope it isn't misplaced in the long run


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And I'm gonna need for you to calm down. When PP ends world hunger or finds a cure for AIDS then maybe people can ne grateful. Picking up 2 soaps ain't sh-t. And at the end of the day it isn't that deep. I can't believe you are calling people morons after you compared AMC and OLTL's cancellations to 9/11. Have a seat and quickly.
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In general, whenever I see anyone being told they shouldn't feel the way they do I get upset. I love debating, but it goes back to respect, which is why soap discussion on Facebook doesn't appeal to me.


I think part of the frustration on some people's parts is what happened before. The shows were cancelled, we were told oh they're coming back, then we're told oh it is not happen, then oh it is on again, then here is the schedule, now oh we changed our minds again less than a month into it. If people in a fit of anger feel like throwing in the towel they have every right, even if I am not in that head space. (For a prime time example some people were extremely upset that Smash was cancelled, and I figured once NBC gave up on airing it on Tuesday nights and moving it to Saturday that its days were numbered.)  Some people may see what is happening here like I did with Smash and NBC and fear the worst. That opinion is just as valid as Oh this is going to be great.



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I commend @<a href="https://twitter.com/toln">toln</a> for taking brave steps to assure long-term success for <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23AMC">#AMC</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23OLTL">#OLTL</a>. Sometimes the right decision isn't the easy or popular 1.</p>&mdash; Sonia Blangiardo (@SoniaBlangiardo) <a href="
17, 2013</a></blockquote>
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The only way they will stop binge viewing and people falling behind is to restrict access to new episodes to a very narrow (say, 24-hour) period. Given the nature of the Internet, however, that's all but impossible.

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Cady just wants to avoid another poison pancake situation. LOL! The last time she spoke out, her ass was fired and character was killed off.

I'm sure she means well, but clearly she knows that begin a company gal is far better for employment purposes at this stage in her life/career.

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