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Prospect Park Sues ABC Over ‘One Life To Live’ & ‘All My Children’ Licensing Agreement

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The thing is--regardless, technically it sounds like PP are in the right here, as petty as it may be about the actors, or that they should have been paying better attention or whatever. They played nice, and ignored issues they probably shouldn't have to stay on good terms. Now they are showing poor sportsmanship (as are ABC) because they feel like they did that for nothing. It's childish? Sure! But it doesn't change the legal bottom line here--they DO have a valid case (if it went to court would it be upheld? Who knows, but they have a *case*). Bottom line :P

And I wish they'd just all drop it--as I said back on page one.

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If ABC does not air the ads, PP should sue them. Outside of this, the morons need to drop this and keep it moving. PP has started off poorly, very poorly. First, they can't get the project off the ground, then once they do, they don't get their characters back from GH. Instead, they play "let's make a deal" and try to share the characters to get their hands on the performers [ABC/GH was smart to call this off]. Now, they want to launch a sour grapes suit when they really should be focusing on these 2 shows. I would have found a charismatic actor to replace Roger on day one! All PP has done here is to make certain that fans will tune in to see Roger and take off when he does. The audience should be focusing on the return of OLTL and not the return of RH, ME and KA.

It must be painful when you screw yourself.

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Actually I believe this was more about ABC refusing to promote the reboots on ABC. As with many lawsuits, they threw everything in there they possibly could for leverage. They wanted the URLs and the appearances on The View and Kelly and Michael and GMA and Katie etc. They already got the URLs and I bet they get the rest. ABC wanted the characters as much as PP wanted the actors.

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Because ABC played dirty. If General Hospital wanted to employ Howarth, Easton and that other one, that's great. Create new characters. But to bring them on as their OLTL characters and then sign them to a contract KNOWING the characters they're playing are licensed to Prospect Park is dirty pool. If ABC went with the plan to create new characters for the actors to begin with, none of this would be happening and Prospect Park wouldn't have a leg to stand on. However, they didn't because ABC wanted to use the OLTL actors and characters to bring the OLTL audience to GH. Yet Prospect Park wants to do the same to bring the OLTL audience back to OLTL and that's wrong?

And as for the "why didn't Prospect Park say anything until now" rhetoric... Are we sure they haven't? Didn't Valentini say something about how Natalie couldn't come over to GH for the John the Deadbeat Father storyline because of legalese surrounding the character and Prospect Park? Maybe that was part of a larger discussion about using the characters on GH. We don't know!

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Yes that did happen. Maybe PP didnt allow any more OLTL characters because of what GH did to Cole & Hope. And like said before they were killed by their 2nd show, so PP couldnt do jack about it.

Maybe PP thought it be better to work thru it first or try & thats why they didnt sue before now..

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Matters not that ABC/GH played dirty when all PP had to do was get their characters and keep it moving. They CHOSE not to do that. Instead, they hoped that they could use ABC/GH's influence with the performers and convince them to come over to OLTL at least part of the time. PP wanted something just like GH. They simply are not as good at playing this game, but perhaps they will get better at being dirty (their hands are hardly clean).

If PP said something prior to now, why'd GH continue to focus heavily on the 3 characters, and why did FL return at least 2 times after this breech. Why did KDP return? Why did GH use Tomas at all? This is nothing more than two people who decide they are going to get into a boxing ring together and fight. One gets a black eye and cries foul.

What we do know? Again, all of this could have been avoided had PP just taken their characters and recast them, something they have to do anyway. Dumb asses!

Read above...

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I can read and that doesnt change the 3 FACTS that are defintley breached

1) The use of the Tomas Chracter that PP never loaned to them

2) The ULRS being kept from PP for months

3) ABC not wanting to Air OLTL ads because RH is in them. Even though PP already paid in full for their ads to run

PP has these shows for 10 years. They have not waited too long to sue. Hell Production companies sue each other over film & TV shows that came out years if not decades earlier

ABC is in the wrong here. Yes PP has been shady but ABC broke their part of the contract & for that should & hopefully will be found liable.

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