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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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He's on the couch supposedly sleeping in Wyatt's room. Wyatt is asleep. Jeffrey goes over to his bed, gets under the covers and starts caressing Wyatt's hand and arm. Wyatt begins to move and J gets out of the bed and goes back to the couch. It was creepy.

ETA: Looks like J ups the ante next week. This is not a love story in the making. It definitely looks like it's going to be Fatal Attraction.

Edited by ChitHappens
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OH MY! LOL. Jeffrey and Wyatt really needed to have a heart-to-heart talk with each other a long time ago IMO. Wyatt knows about Jeffrey courtesy of the hidden webcam experiment. I don't understand why Wyatt never confronted Jeffrey after discovering on webcam that he was leering at him like a sex object. Now it looks like this will spiral out of control needlessly.

Edited by Vanguardian
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That scene with Jim and Candace was very violent, I was not expecting that at all.

Jeffrey is a freakin' psycho, I think he's going to end up trying to violate Wyatt and it will tie in with the whole abuse story. Tyler Perry can get twisted with stories sometimes, I could see it going there.

Veronica was a badass in the last scene when she took those pictures out and threw them around.

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No it was the rich white boy and the black therapist/prison guard who was sniffing his shirt in episode 11 (which I'm currently watching).

This show is such a hot mess. The first scene was between this black maid and the rich white woman who apparently has cancer. First off this scene lasted way too damn long! WTF? Have they not heard of spacing or spreading out scenes? Seriously it was awkwardly long....even by soap opera standards. The dialogue was just strained, boring, and flat out weird.

Same thing with the scene with Tika Sumpter, the rich white boy, and the gay/bisexual black guy. Unnecessarily long and painful to watch dialogue. The whole back and forth between the guy and Tika was just stupid and lacked all the emotional punch a scene like that should have contained. And its the same thing all over again with the prison convo between the two black matriarchs.

I just can't with this show....I may have to youtube cuz its so bad its bordering on a comedy level...

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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What the heck did I just watch laugh.png The last Jeffrey/Wyatt scene was so disturbing, I couldn't sit still! I was like WTF the whole time. I'm surprised Tyler didn't take it a step higher and have Jeffrey start ravaging Wyatt's bod or scurry back to that couch and start masturbating or something.

Gavin Houston (Jeffrey) is doing a pretty nice job though. Sometimes I cringe, like when he literally cried to his Mom on the phone. LOL. But the following scene between them was outstanding.

The Candace/Jim scene was way too violent and I was shocked it was insinuated all of a sudden that Candace might be pregnant. Yikes!

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Veronica owned last night's eppy, and it was the first time I didn't need Candace to be entertained.

Jeffrey is a loon, and it's about to go down. He was so much fun to watch yesterday. Came off almost childlike. When he told his mother "she won't leave", I'd swear that was a 5 year old talking. He was so innocent and stupid and obsessed! I loved it. He is so afraid to come out, and I can't say I blame him.

The detective from hell??? That guy is so damn awful, and I'm sure they could have gotten an actor for the same price. Too many out there looking for work. This guy, with his jerry curl, was just happy to get the lines out correctly. A human brick, I tell yah! This is exactly what Pete Parros needs. Someone stiffer than he is to make him look good!

Too bad Darcy believes she's been stood up (off screen), but it would be nice if she would at least pop up and inquire about Benny. To have her just pop back up once he's released would be ridiculous!

Jim and Candace fight didn't bother me. I just wish it was a bit longer. Candace is as street as it gets, so I am not upset because she gets into a brawl with a man. Fighting a woman would be beneath her.

Preview: Hannah tells Kathryn that Doofus tried to kill herself? Question - does this woman look like she is in any condition to hear that kind of news? Who in the sam hell wrote that?!

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I'm really conflicted about the message TP is sending with this Jeffrey storyline. On one hand, it's disheartening that the gay character is becoming a possessive psychopath, but on the other, Veronica is clearly being portrayed in a negative light with the way she speaks to him about being gay. I really wish they could salvage his character somehow before he goes to unredeemable territory.

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Gay people can be wackos too. TP is doing his usual here - giving you a combo platter, a gay character who happens to be obsessed with a straight male w/o the benefit of giving us either one first. If I were to be confused it would be because I don't know if Jeffrey is gay or is he too attached to Wyatt and thinks he's gay? We've been given nothing outside of Wyatt and those flourescent outfits he wears.

I think Veronica is being written very realistic. She has come too far and achieved too much to be "embarrassed" by a gay son.

Edited by ChitHappens
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Oh, I definitely agree with you on both things. This is just the first "major" character that's been gay on a Tyler Perry production and I was curious to see how he was going to handle it.

And yes, I appreciate how realistic Veronica is written. I was just surprised that Tyler Perry was willing to recognize that.

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The Amanda actress is Samoan IIRC.

Last night's epi was a hot mess and I noticed two things I saw on GH first and thought were horrible appeared on this soaps.

1. Friendship bracelets. Is that the universal gift to give someone who's not that into you? I remember laughing when Kristina gave Ethan one on GH and Jeffery giving Wyatt one was way worse. What grown man gives another grown man a friendship bracelet! And I laughed my ass off when he was crying.

2. The gay man obsessed with a straight male. Jefferey is a damn psycho! Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse he hops into bed while Wyatt is sleeping.

And that violent scene where Jim attacked Candace was horrible. This show is the new Passions. So damn horrible yet I can't look away!

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Seems like he's definitely botching this particular story as expected he would. Shame! It's a gay tale with quite a bit of oddity in my opinion. I mean, who's playing whom? Wyatt says he's still gathering "evidence" against Jeffrey which is strange to me because what more "evidence" does he need? They give each other bracelets as gifts, and if we recall several episodes back, Wyatt DID give Jeffrey a bracelet as a gift which resulted in Veronica flipping out. Next week Jeffrey is seen saying to Candace (or is it Laura?) that he's just trying to help Wyatt "find himself." So Jeffrey feels certain that Wyatt "plays for his team" but needs help in realizing it, while Jeffrey will utilize Candace as his beard. Where oh where will this go? LOL.

Edited by Vanguardian
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LMAO at Wyatt's response to the bracelet - "why would I want to be reminded of you"?! ROTF!

Jeffrey done lost it. This wack ass story bugs me, but it's fun to watch. TP should have fleshed out Jeffrey as a gay character and then show this obsessed side or the other way around. He should not have done both before Jeffrey is out.

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