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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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Wow, just caught up and wow.

That rape stuff was AWFUL and for some reason felt extremely sleazy to me--more so than more extreme rape scenes on other shows--I dunno if it was the awful dialogue that the prof kept repeating over and over which sounded like a bad porno improv, or what, but it made me feel very icky. And her outfit was just ugly not really slutty. And in a sports car how could you not notice two HUGE ASS bags of coke? It's a tiny car and they were in the front! And Hannah not even letting her EVIL daughter step inside the house or use her taxi?

We really do seem to havejumped into full on Perry mode...

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Yeah, but in all seriousness watching it made me feel more dirty than watching the whole Cassandra sex trafficking storyline on AMC. I'm not sure why--upon thinking it over, I think it's because it seemed so.... exploitive? sleazy? It seemed like a bad porno scenario--and like it was trying to hammer in some message that I didn't get (Amanda is a victim of Candy too, because she told her to play up her sexuality to get a retest--which would NEVER happen in law school anyway--and then because she associates with Candy she's the victim of rape?)

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The way this show goes, the professor would take a looooooooong time to cum, much to Amanda's chagrin.

The rape aftermath was indeed icky. Didn't he say he has a pal that he swaps partners with? Or his pal has just one woman that he lets him occasionally do? Ick.

Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald is a nutbag! She makes all these vague accusations against Hannah, but then doesn't follow through. Honestly, after Pilar (sorry, I'm sticking with her Passions name) finally accused her of wanting Jim, I would've smacked the crap outta her.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I finally got all caught up with this show to episode 8 since I don't get OWN. (Didn't see tonight's episode)

Love this show! Yes some of the acting is horrible and some of the storylines are awkward, but it's overall VERY good for a cheap soap.

I actually like Renee as Katheryn. I think her acting is good and I see her in the role very well. I like her friendship with Hannah even though I was expecting it since it is a TP soap.

This whole Celine character is a huge W T F! For the past 5 episodes it has seem like nothing has moved along with this storyline and TP is just doing it to be funny. It makes no damn sense at all. She's annoying AF and why throw in that had an affair!?! TP messed up with the character of Celine and she should of just stayed a minor character and keep on being Hannah's friend.

Amanda is annoying, but her character is realistic in the personality traits way. This whole rape thing is another huge WTF. Didn't the teacher talk to her about he didn't want to see her being like a slut? It made no damn sense. So I'm guessing now Candace sleeps her way threw college? Amanda isn't mature enough to her an apartment and needs to move back with her parents.

Jeffrey is kinda weird. I guess anyone who follows around people for a living is weird. I didn't get why he got so upset when Candace told him she knew he was gay .... Wouldn't he be revealed to have someone who understood him? I kinda think TP is gonna have Jeffrey/Wyatt hook up especially with the emotional ending of episode 2. And why didn't we get to see Jeffrey/Wyatt react to finding out Candace was a whore? It's like something RC would do...

Veronica is a horrible character and the woman who plays her is a horrible actress. What type of bitch tells her own son that!!?! She's annoying and hopefully she get dies.

David is the typical evil black guy sidekick. The cocaine thing was predictable, but I don't wanna go threw all the jail stuff. It's boring. We all know Hannah is kinda be pissed at Candace for having coke.

I'll post more later.

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"You cant trust her. She will sell you down the river if it means someone gives her a dollar"

Crystal Fox is FIRE! She's always good but she truly comes alive whenever she is acting against Tika. Those two are the most dynamic mother/daughter dup on television today

Im tired of Selene's bitch ass. She needs to go play in traffic or something

Hannah; "You think you cute huh?"

Selene: "Cute? No, Im beautiful" LOL...that was a good line though

"Just get the damn lawyer NOW. DIAL!" Go, bootleg Sally Spectra! I love how she runs Jim, throwing her zingers and ordering him around.

How slow is Jim? I thought in his convo with David he realized that Hannah and Candice were related. How could he not? Hannah comes to him bc her son had drugs planted in the car he was driving which belonged to her rotten daughter. A minute later David tells him he planted drugs in Candice's car. It seemed the logical conclusion to that was obvious but he didn't get it till it was spelled out for him

Katherine: 'I didn't know you were here"

Jim: "I am here

K: "How long have you been here?"

J: "Long enough"

K: "Really?"

Jim: "Really"

OMG, the dialogue is killing me!

Amanda was raped and absolutely no follow up in the next episode?

Jeffrey cant even admit he's gay and his mother all but threatened him if he was. I think its understandable why he'd be upset about someone being onto him. It didn't help that she laughed at and humiliated him. Plus Candice is not to be trusted. He probably feels that she could use that as a weapon against him if he lets her. Its best he keep his distance from her bc she has his number and he cant risk any of this going open. Edited by Cheap21
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