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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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That was the best part of the show. Brenda's little childish food fight was absurd..and the performances were cringe worthy and so chessy..lame...laughable.

I've always loved All I need.

But yes you need to get a grip....lol

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That was one [!@#$%^&*] PAINFUL hour! Wow! It was one of the toughest eppies to get thru even with ff.

I did really enjoy Kelly/Sam and the Dancing Russian. Really good performance and he has a really good looking ass!

Not sure why Brenda came off as stoned today, but she did. Once she threw the roll at Carly, she had this goofy school girl smile.

That's all I got!

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On DWTS, they seldom focus on Maks' posterior, so I agree that was looking good. I think in many styles it is preferred that it is de-emphazied.

The throwing roll segment was odd and reminded me of OLTL.

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I gotta admit Jamey is making me laugh on twitter lol


And just like that, a song kicked a puppet to the curb. (Carrie Bradshaw voice). #GH50


Felicia, do you hear that voice? Let him discover yo' Ass-tec treasure backstage, girl! #GH50


Get UP, Felicia Jones, and go make LOVE to your man on that stage! Uncle Mac, Georgie needs a bottle and changing! #GH50

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