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Married to Medicine


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Contessa and her passive aggressive self is annoying me again this season! WTF did she have to throw Scott under the bus in front of her father and kids? That was so messed up and if she doesnt stop it, she's gonna end up like Quad in divorce court. I wouldnt be surprised if he was sick of her.


I liked the scene with Mariah's family and her real friends. LOL...it was almost like Mariah was angling to recast the rest of the bitches

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I have not watched much but I saw a few weeks ago and when Contessa was talking to her husband about her career and being out of town, he actually looked so disgusted he had to watch his own damn kids full time.  I was very disappointed in Scott because I have caped for him since day one.  Men love talking about partnership when they want the woman to give up something but when they have to actually be a dad (and not just called one), they are pissed.  These men could learn so much from Chris Samuels (RHOP).  All Contessa wanted to do was study and finish a course to be a surgeon general and Scott acted like she just threw her family away.  Really fucked up!



I don't think she wants a divorce but she's actually seeing the reality of her relationship with her husband.  Most women find this out when they need to do something for themselves in a marriage.  There's really no partnership.  I feel bad that she dropped her classes and her goals because her husband is a damn jerk!  

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Probably depends on the program, but that doesn't matter.  Did Contessa ask her husband to do something she has not done herself?  This might be good for them because now Contessa knows shes not in a 50/50 partnership.  That needs to be addressed. 


Y'all didn't have a problem with Scott saying "he didn't sign up for this" even tho his wife did?  That was disgusting!  She went part time to spend more time the kids.  

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IA. She doesnt look like she wants to be married


I get that but there is a way to compromise. Contessa is going to school in a whole different state. She could have tried to make it work in ATL or at the very least close by still in Georgia. Its kind of selfish of her to just up and leave like that. Why not get a nanny/housekeeper to take the load off Scott?


ETA: I see Antoyne posed the question above and Im with him

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Ditto. However, I think Mariah harps onto the issue with Quad b/c that's the only way production will provide her with camera time. Production literally has it out for Mariah. They hardly ever show personal scenes about Mariah unless she's discussing the other women. I think even she knows it at this point. 


I just hate that we've missed so many milestones with Mariah, which would humanize her to the audience. Production just wants to ensure that Quadrilateral remains the 'sympathetic' party. 

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I forgot to post but Jackie is a BITCH for publicly exposing Buffie as being infertile the way she did. How dare she, especially considering she is a doctor and knows first hand how this can be a sensitive issue for older women. It wasnt her place to put Buffie on the spot like that and she's lucky she cant be sued for violating HIPAA rules. That just made me dislike her even more

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