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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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That was a terribly written article. Whether or not its true remains to be seen but I highly doubt PP would make such a huge investment to start TOLN to walk away from AMC & OLTL at this point. In business isn't the rule of thumb to lose money initially but over time you begin making a profit or a return on the investment?

I definitely want BOTH shows back and I am not willing to throw in the towel yet.

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It's November 2011 all over again.

But maybe because of the lawsuit PP can't say anything? Isn't that often the case with legal matters? I'm not defending their quietness, but I assumed it was because of that, although I still feel like it's November 2011 all over again.

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I made this argument elsewhere, but at this point, what can PP say that would make fans happy? If they say "We're filming on X date," and it doesn't happen, fans will be upset. A significant portion of the fanbase probably won't believe them until AMC actually starts shooting anyway, so PP would still have a bunch of naysayers online insisting it won't happen. If they say "We're shelving AMC until further notice," fans are going to be upset. They've said they're working on it and that they plan to do a second season, but there's no official date for that yet, and of course, fans are upset.

FTR, I do think they badly mishandled a lot of PR opportunities, but what's done is done. At this point though, I don't know that there's anything they can say that is going to make people happy.

As for the Globe, I don't consider it to be a reputable source. If the higher ups at PP say in an article with, say, the LA Times, that they're canceling the show, then I'll believe that.

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Many people may not like what I put on twiiter but news is needed:

@TOLN Seriously! Its cancelled! http://m.celebdirtylaundry.com/2013/all-my-children-one-life-to-live-cancelled-prospect-park-1101/

I don't actually believe this article but others will and raise hell then PP will have to say something.

As for those people who got upset over everything, it always turned out they were wrong.

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Well given that the actors continue to state that the shows will have a second season Ill believe the actors

Also the Globe article doesnt tell us anything we dont know already

We already knew there was no firm dates for production to resume

Sounds like Celeb Dirty Laundry came late to the party & wants to sound relevant

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I don't think they need to make us happy. If they tell us the truth as they know it to be right now and people don't like it, so what? How is that worse than people losing interest due to lack of info? Not people who are on SON, we aren't the norm. Many of us will come running back whenever these shows return, but I think the general audience would be more likely to stay engaged if there were some sort of update.

Ultimately, they don't owe us anything, but I wouldn't mind an official update. I'm still rooting for these shows, but what will be will be.

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