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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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Umm. . . I know Agnes Nixon's history with P&G soaps. I don't need to be schooled. And as I stated before, Agnes is too worried about her own shows making it past year one to worry about the P&G shows. And again, P&G owns these shows. Not Agnes. She has no say. Her going to PP or P&G will result in nothing. If P&G wants to sell the rights, they will. Not because Agnes went in and pleaded with them.

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That is not what I am saying!! I did not know you knew about Agnes' history with P&G so I was telling you a little bit. All I am getting at is that I would like her to work at the P&G soaps again. I am not even talking about RIGHT THIS MINUTE. I know she is more worried about AMC/OLTL and I never said that Agnes should go to P&G about bringing the soaps back. Most of what I am saying is mostly wishful thinking. I also know Agnes doesn't own them and Irna created them. I am wishing this will happen mainly because of sentimental reasons.

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But that's the point--Agnes is not going to work with the P&G shows. Just b/c she worked with them in the 60s does not mean she'll be the answer to saving them or writing their bibles. She would not even be needed to do so. If they wanted to reboot them, there are capable writers that are still living (i.e. Nancy Curlee & Harding Lemay) that knows these show inside out and could retool them. Heck, they could hire me and I and many other people on this board could churn out better crap than what was seen in the last 5 years of GL & World Turns. Again, Agnes has to worry about her own shows. Just b/c they're going online does not mean they're safe. They still have to make a profit and do well, which I'm praying they do b/c regardless, this may open the door for new soaps to be created (which would be the best option) OR other production companies would purchase the rights and revive these shows.

All I'm saying is that I'd love to have a reboot of the P&G soaps. Will that happen? Most likely not b/c P&G are dicks. Will I hold out a little glimmer of hope they could come back? Yes.

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I remember the whole glorious Carolyn Hinsey Jossip thread, but not that reference.

I think P&G's best bet is reviving GL as a short-run summer webseries if these take off. It has a historical resonance as "our first soap" and the history and characters are so diverse and widespread that you could make it into virtually anything with anyone, not just the old crew.

For a long-term show, though? Wasn't Edge of Night theirs? I'm amazed no one has ever revived that. That's a gold mine. But that goes back to the original point: P&G doesn't care about making new soaps. To them it is about nothing more than their products and profit margin.

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Yes, EON was theirs.

I don't think P&G gives a crap, which is too bad, because no one resurrected soaps like P&G did when they cared. No one.

Marcia from Arkansas was a woman who constantly wrote "funny" comments in to SOD for the first few years of Hinsey's column, taking up half a page at times. Some thought that was just Hinsey using a fake name. Either way, Marcia and Carolyn helped convince me to stop buying SOD.

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I agree that EON should be the one revived. It can involve new characters, be a continuation with a newer generation (i.e. Mike's grandson/Laurie's son), or do a modern spin on the show. Procedurals/Cop dramas are hot. This is the show that SoapClassics should've started DVDs with and marketed it hard b/c I think that regardless the age, fans would've been captivated. From what I've seen of EON, I would buy the DVDs quickly.

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I know you were. And all I said was that Agnes would most likely not do them and would not be needed to do a reboot. Love Agnes to death but she is not the end all, be all. There are many capable writers out there that love the histories of these show, don't mind doing the research for continuity, and know how to churn out a decent story with a great start, middle, and ending.

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Same. It had a rotating series of thriller storylines but a core cast and it experimented with special episodes - it was just always captivating every time I used to watch it on WOST.

Set it in the same city, maybe bring back a few people to cameo like Lori Loughlin, have a few characters be related to the old families or stories in some way and you can do anything from there.

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