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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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Classic Degrassi and the current version are both Linda Schuyler's baby, there is nothing wrong with the current version or the classic!

I bet people will be all "I hope you mean classic AMC, not the PP version" in a few years (yes, it will still be on) .. There will be wars. Some will like both, some will be new fans, some will be classic fans, and some will throw up their hands that people don't realize it's all got the same heart!

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Cheap, Carolyn Hinsey said a GH start is in the cast and it's not Todd or John McBain. I think that made it clear. Plus Kristen was responding to people asking about it and she said she'd love to do DwtS. Of course this might be wrong, but we'll know in like two hours when they announce the cast on GMA.


Okay just slap me! It was Ingo, not Kristen. I don't understand her clue then. She said it wasn't Todd or McBain, how does that suggest it was Ingo?

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KA made no sense bc of the reason I gave. IR works bc of the upcoming 50th anniversary and cross promotion potential. He's a vet and a third of the show's most successful triangle. Plus he still makes appearances on the show and likely will be back. Not to mention he isn't working, so it's easy on his schedule

KA made no sense bc of the reason I gave. IR works bc of the upcoming 50th anniversary and cross promotion potential. He's a vet and a third of the show's most successful triangle. Plus he still makes appearances on the show and likely will be back. Not to mention he isn't working, so it's easy on his schedule
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P&G looks at the soaps the way we look at there products. Too them they are old brands. Thank being said ABC felt the same way, which is why they, IMO, did not outright SELL there serials. P&G is making money off of them so if these shows are a success I can see them licensing them out to either PP or some other company for On-Line reboots. I just hate that AW had been cancelled for over a decade yet they haven't released anything AW related since. Am I wrong??

I can honestly see a successful AW reboot if it went to PP if Agnes agreed to write or consult. Despite her age I think she can make all the P&G soaps shine again. That being said I don't think she is willing to do all of them but I can see her writing bibles and/or consulting while other writers write the stuff. I wonder if Harding Lemay is still active? Just curious!

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First of all Agnes saved AW back in the 60s. She also worked wonders on GL. With the help of a people who had been at GL/AW since her I think she will be outstanding. Again, I don't see her as a full-fledged HW but a consultant. So basically I would like to see Agnes constructing story bibles for GL/AW with the help of people who had been there since to enlighten her and Agnes helping a group of new writers writing for those soaps in terms of Character-Development and Pacing (amongst other technicalities).

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