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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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Wow there has been a lot of activity today and I for one can't say how excited I am to read it all. So far I am really pleased with the casting choices for AMC. I just hope Susan Lucci gets to come back full time. After seeing her on The View today she seems so genuine that she really wants to be a part of AMC 2.0. This is just so surreal that this is actually happening.

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Denyse Tontz (via Twitter): Well! Looks like news gets out quick...! I am happy to announce that I will be joining the cast of "All My Children" as Miranda Montgomery!!



I think if the thread was just labeled AMC today, it would still have 250+ comments. Pretty much all of the discussion in here is about AMC! I don't think there's a way to get around it! LOL

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A few comments... based just on her twitter pic, I LOVED the idea of Jordan Lane Price as Miranda. I'm disappointed to hear that she's playing someone else. I was so hoping for her as a Kane woman. I don't have a lot of faith in Denyse whats-her-name to pull of Erica Kane bitchiness, so my guess is that she'll be another obnoxiously sweet good girl. Gag.

I thought Jordan looked a lot like both Eden and William Devry who played Michael Cambias. Denyse (seriously WTH kind of a spelling is that?) looks like a cross between a young Mayim Bialik and a young Britney Spears. So far, NOT impressed.

Also, either I'm getting old, or the kids they cast as Miranda and AJ look like they're 12. I know we said we didn't want them SORAS'd too much, but if I have to watch the two of them make out, I'll feel like I'm violating some sort of child porn law.

While I'm on my soap box, WTH is up with Cady's giant blonde hair extensions??? They're making AJ and JR older... so they're giving Cady Barbie hair? Let's hope this was for some sort of weird flashback or something because I don't see how making her look younger makes the idea of her having a teenage grandson more believable.

I am beyond disappointed that Susan is not going to be on AMC for now. She's the whole reason I started watching, and I really, really wanted to see Erica back. I thought she looked gorgeous on The View and that blue dress was stunning on her, but please, someone feed that poor woman before she snaps in half.

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