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GH: Discussion for the Month of February

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To add my 2 cents to the controversy over the haters, as a viewer who hadn't watched GH regularly since Jimmy Lee, Grant & Celia took that interminable train ride, I had no investment in the Guza mob stuff nor do I particularly like RC's current state of the show. I tuned back in to see how Laura's return would be handled now that the mob stuff is no longer center stage and I doubt I'll keep watching once the 50th anniversary material airs. Here's my opinion of the latest episode:

I enjoyed most of Alexis' scenes. Her reaction to Kristina harboring a fugitive was funny and I especially loved how she convinced Diane to take Rafe's case by mentioning the Barrington money.

Carly & Todd do nothing for me.

Neither do Sonny & Connie or Kristina & Johnny. I am glad that RC hasn't made Connie as one-note as he did Jessica's alters on OLTL. I don't know how old the actors are, but Johnny looks way too old for Kristina and I found their scenes creepy.

Does Dante know that Faison had a Duke mask? It's bad enough how dumb Anna's been, but one of the cops should've at the very least brought up the possibility that someone wearing a John McBain mask is murdering people. The police station scenes just make me cringe when the characters are this stupid.

I hate the vampire story and couldn't care less if Caleb kills Sam and takes her son.

At least it looks like Frisco has a scene with Maxie on the preview for Monday, so that episode could potentially be good!

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Was I the only person who caught Krissy's Dumbfuck Line Of the Week?

Krissy to Johnny "Punishing you won't bring back Cole and Hope". Says the moron who took a bat to Clown Falconeri!

Who wrote that, and why would they? Johnny should not pay because it won't do anything for the people he killed? Sigh...it's at times like this, I'd like to crazy glue a writer's hands together to keep crap like this from happening again! That was complete madness, and yeah, FRon are novice at best, but I expect better for any writer than to have an adult say something like this - even an adult as stupid as Krissy.

My god!

Sonny and Clown? It's just a matter of time and I'm in no hurry to see Sonny on all fours! Ugh!

And TJ? No words needed as I think everyone pretty much understood what happened there. Sigh!

Anything remotely vampire related - PASS!

Dante - please find him another love interest! He has massive possibilities until Looloo enters his scenes!

Good note: Shawn is so gorgeous! That man's body is just made of all kinds of awesome! So fine! He and Alexis still make me cringe. I have not been able to watch anything remotely intimate between the two and the FF is just too damn slow. I put it on like 3, which is the highest, and I still see too much. Puke!

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Be glad he's only doing vampires and isnt bringing the werewolves back to town as well. For all we know Molly's current story could involve TJ getting angry enough that he awakens his werewolf side. Werewolf vs half vampire for the love of a dark haired teen. You can see where that could go....

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Actually, that's horrible logic. All because it's a spin off doesn't automatically mean their independent histories are merged into one. That's like saying everything that happened on OLTL automatically gets to be a part of All My Children's history because they're sister shows.

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Except OLTL and AMC are not sister shows. They are two distinct shows that occurred in different cities with a couple characters that were acquainted with each other. In contrast, GH and PC were sibling shows and they share a history. The shows were even pitched that when PC first started. It is similar to how Y&R and B&B are distant cousin shows. Y&R and B&B have cosmetic/fashion companies in the same world. Their corporate executives know each other and do business together. This is why Ashley could cross over to B&B and Amber could show up in GC.

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