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Big Brother 15: Discussion Thread

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Not "huge" for Aaryn at all. She basically proved she's just a pawn to be used and discarded, and too dangerous to take to the end because of comps. As soon as she's no longer useful, she's gone.

The only person who gained from this was Helen. Then maybe Andy, although he's too wimpy to actually make moves that will benefit him in the long run.

This was all based on Amanda's paranoia and lunacy and terrible, personal gameplay. She is a complete fool and she likely caused herself and her spineless boyfriend to lose tonight.

As for Judd, he lost any game he ever had weeks ago. He should have seen this coming. He was also starting to snap, so he's probably better off leaving. And he still didn't see that the Goof Troop wanted him out.

He was one of the only guys this season I considered to be hot, and he could be very funny and likeable on his good days (which were few and far between by the end), so I will miss that. Most of all I hate seeing stupid people making stupid plays. This was stupid for most of the people in the house.

I'm hoping Elissa will win. Who else is left that deserves anything? They're sanctimonious, mentally ill sheep.

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You are right about Aaryn being discarded. I think she did a great job working her way back into the majority but taking Jessie off the block when she would've been the #1 beneficiary of Jessie leaving was just a step too far. She has outlived her usefulness to the rest of the house and will be an easy target. There is being loyal, and then there is being overly loyal. That wasn't the best move for her at all. I guess what I meant by my post is that I did not see that coming whatsoever.

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For those of you that don't have the Live Feeds or don't keep up with the Live Feed Updates, the story of Judd's rise and demise:

He starts out a really sweet guy standing by those who are maligned by the people of the house like Elissa and Jessie.

He wins HoH and begins calling these same women c--ts, b--ches and so forth behind their backs and, in general, acting like a crazy man. He gets in tight with the BB village racists.

Paranoia about MVP has been insane within the house since it went into America's hand. Targets, Week 1: Elissa, Week 2. Howard, Week 3. Judd. Amanda's logic with Judd as MVP actually makes sense...

- He initially nominated Elissa because he was obsessed with the idea she wanted an all girls alliance and felt she was enforcing it to the max the first 3 weeks (David, Nick, Jeremy).

- He replaced Elissa with Gina Marie because Gina Marie had said she would nominate him as HoH,

- He went after Amanda to get McCrae to himself and form an all boys alliance. Judd was very anxiety-ridden about the girls taking over.

So Candice and Spencer are nominated. Elissa tries to convince everybody to take out Spencer instead of Candice ... that is until Helen drops the seed of getting rid of Amanda thanks to a chat with Jessie. Helen reveals the plan to Andy who says just enough to Amanda so not to get his side alliance of Helen and Elissa in too much trouble. Jessie and Elissa make a last ditch effort to save Candice by trying to get a forth vote against Amanda - Judd's vote. Jessie told Judd the deal and he went and threw Elissa, Helen and Jessie under the bus to Amanda within minutes. Unfortunately for Judd, his insistence that Elissa was the MVP and nominating Amanda, only convinced Amanda that Judd was the MVP. Aaryn defending Judd so much sealed his faith as it showed he had a comfortable side alliance growing. Candice told Judd that Amanda believes he's the MVP at the PoV meeting as was seen on Wednesday's episode. They gave him the tools to realize what was coming. Judd could have saved himself if he hadn't gone off his rocker.

Judd was blind when it came to his alliance much like Howard was with the Moving Company.

Question: Did Helen plant the initial Judd MVP seed? I know she kept on reminding Amanda that she felt Judd was MVP.

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elissa really isnt rachel, shes a follower and terrible at this game, thats for damn sure.

sad candice and judd are gone, i think its clear one will return tho and i hope its judd. Candice will just be removed by the house again and will target GM. Id much prefer judd come back and tagrte helen/amanda and it seems he will from what he mentioned about them controlling the game.

that had zero to do with his game going down or anyone turning on him as he blamed it on BB/Production holding his meds and apologizing to people and they all, aaryn & amanda included, understood as BB also wasnt giving them their meds. Not to say hes this flawless, amazing perfect guy - he isnt, but that seriously had nothing to do with his eventual exit (itd me like me saying Elissa outing someone abortion, judging and shaming them for it had an impact on her game, it didnt).

He got in tight with aaryn just as other people in his alliance did with her and GM to try and play them. it didnt work out on his favor though because Amanda knew he was a threat to her game. Amanda is the first one who mentioned Judd being MVP, Helen and Aaryn agreed, and they were all convinced it was true. He was no more tight with the racists that Helen, Elissa and Andy became either.

What did Judds game in was Amanda and the MVP twist. She controls the house. She wanted him out, and she got it.

That was a pretty great episode, even if two people i liked left. it wasnt as good as Big Jeff being evicted in s13 and it was clear from their reactions they knew already about a nine person jury and double eviction, sadly.

Sadly at this point Amanda/Aaryn deserve the final 2. Maybe Helen along with them. Andy, Elissa, Spencer, GM, McC do nothing. Jessie at least is trying to play the game. Oh how I wish The Moving Company had last longer, honestly.

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I don't think they'll play the return until approximately 4-5 HG have gone to jury. I feel it'll be America's Vote and not a competition.

JP, "rise and demise" - not all of it has to do with what led to his eviction and some of it is just me generalizing what the HG were at that time or are and nothing relative to the eviction. That aside, his relationships with GM and Aaryn and his significant efforts to save Aaryn did play a big part in the reason Amanda decided that he had to go. It's also why, for a time, Aaryn moved up on Amanda's eviction list. MVP was definitely the main source of why he was chosen, no doubt, but Amanda may have been less prone to dismiss him had she not seen that Aaryn & Judd were really tight.

Would have been even less happy with the MC dominating from Week 1 then I am with what's currently going on. The female dynamic is a lot bitchier which entertains me.

Amanda has won nothing but bullies and manipulates the house masterfully and that is thanks to a lot of help from ANDY. ANDY does everything. He does far from NOTHING. He has all these fools believing he's their BFF and confiding almost everything to him. He chooses what to tell and what to hold back and in a way due to this he basically controls Helen, the other mastermind, and Amanda.

Elissa convinced Jessie to flip the vote which ultimately destroyed the MC and the "cool" kids. Jessie, once again, reaffirmed that today.She also changed her social game to remain in the game. Her shift does fit her in as one of the sheep to some extent but there would have also been criticism if she was playing the game like she was initially and she probably would have been evicted already. She's being run in how she votes but she's not letting anybody run her in the way she treats people (as condescending as she can be at times) and that could be key to the win.

Jessie and her risk-taking self also voted Candice and Judd out.

BTW, both women should have voted Judd out. He was targeting them. Both women would have also been stupid to go against the rest of the house without the votes. Amanda holds a grudge. Helen is they key to any change in power but she is part of the power so is resisting it. She needs to recognize Amanda is getting rid of Helen's potential army while trying to bulk up her own with outsiders and some of Helen's own people. If Helen was as smart as BB likes to make her seem she'd drop seeds about Aaryn to Amanda this week.

Aaryn had 3 HoH and 1 PoV which is better than everyone else but on a personal level, no to her even being in the Top 4. Socially she's either too hard or too soft in terms of the social game. No way Elissa should have survived 3 consecutive HoH's by this woman (Aaryn, GM, Aaryn). Her HoH's were Amanda's and Helen's.

It'll be interesting to see what happens in the HoH/Nominations following the current one. The time to break apart is imminent. Who will take the first shot?

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Amanda's paranoia makes sense in her head but I don't think it does in reality. Other than putting her key in last, Judd never did anything that would make Amanda think he wanted her out or wanted the guys to work together against her. She never heard about him telling people he wanted her out.

The people in her alliance repeatedly questioned her delusions about Judd, even when they wanted Judd out. She never had a good answer.

Amanda has a big problem with self-worth and a big problem with men. She has to marginalize any man who is a threat to her sense of self-worth.

She made a mistake, because she's left with people who are mostly not as loyal to her and are just going along whiel they have to, and I don't think McCrae is going to forget this, because she basically let him know his own view and his game are absolutely meaningless to her. And she has shown that she cannot and will not play based on the game itself.

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It's ironic. Judd was convinced Elissa was the one that was all hardcore female alliance but Elissa wanted Aaryn out and she even wanted Amanda out. Gina Marie as well. It was Judd's Queen Amanda whom was always finding a reason to make a male the main target. I don't think she considers McCrae or Andy men yet, lol.

I initially felt Amanda's logic was crazy but when she explained it this evening I did feel that it made sense. Judd's closeness to Aaryn and Gina Marie was also a threat to her power. He had been too all over the place during his HoH run. He made too many deals, real and fake. It caught up with him.

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I think Amanda is OK with men who do her bidding, but that's about it. Elissa wanted women out mostly when other women were on the block with them, she never really wanted to work with men, but I agree Amanda is worse. I just can't get past Amanda's logic revolving around her being the most important person in the house and the world, and never being wrong.

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Judd had lost his way but he clearly loved the game so much and was crushed by being put up. I hope he gets another chance to play. No one left to root for. Even the show seems to be now trying to make Aaryn into a heroine. Who would have though. Amanda is pathetic.

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Judd was very likeable and I miss him already. Seeing the stuff that transpired around his eviction the second time but edited made it even harder to take. I hate how he got taken out by the twist and people's paranoia. He got done wrong.

The stuff GM said about Candice being adopted was vile and I saw similar comments about Amanda referring to her as the Black Annie. Disgusting

So sad that Aaryn said she trusts Helen the most in the game. Helen is such a snake and all these people trust her and don't realize she will take them out. I hate her motivational speeches she does which is clear manipulation on her part. I have to say she's probably the most deserving winner right now but I don't want that to happen.

Howdy Doody finally steps up and gets a win and he makes such lame nominations. A real big game move would be to put up Helen if veto is played. I doubt that will happen though. His entire strategy has been to be a sheep and play it safe

Amanda looked even more ridiculous whining about never winning anything after attacking Jessie when she was whining about not going to that party. Amanda is an embarrassment.

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